You searched for "APD"

807 results found

EUHA 2024: 68th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians

A big stage for hearing aid acousticians Tom Aerts, Herentals, Belgium From 16 to 18 October 2024 in Hanover, the EUHA recorded around 8700 participants at the hearing aid acousticians congress and industry exhibition. The world's largest industry event impressed...

Advances in ear and hearing telehealth

Telehealth in ear (or tele-otology/tele-audiology) and hearing care has steadily increased as an area of both research and clinical interest over the past 15 years [1]. Driven by rapid advances in connected technologies and wide-ranging potential use cases, telehealth had...

EUHA Sponsorship Award competition

For the twelfth time, the Europäische Union der Hörakustiker eV (EUHA) will be giving its Sponsorship Award for the next generation of acoustic researchers.

Diana Deutsch

Audiologists think about sound a lot. In fact, it is a bit of an occupational hazard. The majority of that time is usually devoted to thinking about sound in a purely functional sense (for example, adjusting a hearing aid to...

2023 EUHA Sponsorship Award

The European Union Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) invites students to apply for the 2023 EUHA Sponsorship Award.

Ida Institute course makes tele-audiology easier and better

The COVID-19 pandemic provided hearing care professionals an opportunity to review the provision of hearing services. We hear from Lise Lotte Bundesen, Managing Director of the Ida Institute, about the potential of tele-audiology and how it can help to maintain...

When patient choice stands in the way of patient-centredness

In the field of hearing care, there is increasing focus on ensuring patient autonomy and choice. Greater participation in decision making is supposed to result in better patient satisfaction. A study conducted in ENT and audiology clinics paradoxically suggests that...

Moving forward for better communication for the Deaf and hard of hearing – Wavefront Centre

Now more than ever, guaranteeing accessibility and inclusion is a vital need for people of all abilities. The Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility in Vancouver, BC, is a model on to how to effectively address these issues and serve the...

Global hearing aid recycling scheme boosted by care home support

The founder of a hearing aid recycling campaign has visited a Dorset, UK, care home to thank residents and staff for supporting her work.

Neural plasticity and aural rehabilitation

Neural plasticity refers to an ability of the brain and central nervous system to change their structure and function or their reorganisation in response to environmental cues, experience, learning, behaviour, injury and / or diseases and treatments. Neural plasticity is...

Experience on the front line

21st January 2021 Back to basics Yesterday I went right back to where my medical career began. I grew up in Germany, bilingual. A prerequisite to studying medicine in Germany is that applicants have to spend two months working as...

The power of mentoring

What is a mentor, and what are the benefits for mentee and mentor? Emma Stapleton and Rohma Abrar, mentor and mentee respectively, explain. The term ‘mentor’ is derived from Homer’s Odyssey, in which the goddess Athena, disguised as Mentor, guides...