You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

ENT Handbook

Medical students and residents are expected to absorb staggering amounts of information on an almost daily basis. Thankfully, app-based resources are rapidly emerging to ensure that the most important information can be accessed with a few swipes on a smartphone....

TIVA in FESS: a meta-analysis

This meta-analysis is from Rochester, New York, and aims to add more evidence for the use of TIVA in endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) to arm rhinologists keen for a quick, bloodless FESS in the discussion with anaesthetists who prefer inhalation....

Transnasal oesophagoscopy (TNO) and balloon dilatation under a local anaesthesia

Many of us are becoming more and more familiar with the use of transnasal oesophagoscopy. It has a number of well-described uses in the outpatient setting and is well tolerated by our patients. Yakubu Karagama describes taking this technique a...

The big ask – maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit in academic facial plastic surgery in the USA

en·tre·pre·neur, noun a person who organises and operates a business and who has qualities of leadership, initiative and innovation. In the United States, facial plastic surgery (FPS) services are divided among private and academic practices. The vast majority of academic...

Posturography in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

Those in neuro-otology practice will be familiar with PPPD now appearing in the forthcoming beta edition of ICD-11. This condition combines the symptoms of phobic postural vertigo and chronic subjective dizziness in which anxiety plays a part. The underlying hypothesis...

A medical student’s perspective on the future of obstructive sleep apnoea management

Obstructive sleep apnoea remains an immensely challenging condition to treat. Many treatments have been used over the years, but no single management strategy has proven significantly better than the others. We hear about some technological innovations in the field of...

How do objective ratings of swallowing compare with patient-reported dysphagia QOL measures in the head and neck cancer population?

Swallowing may be assessed by a comprehensive battery of tools including instrumental/objective assessments, clinician-rated measures and patient-reported measures. The authors of this paper use secondary analysis to explore concordance between videofluoroscopy and a patient-reported dysphagia quality of life (QOL) measure....

Cochlear implantation in adults has a positive impact on overall cognitive function as early as six months postop

The link between improving hearing and thus improving cognition is an important emerging area of research in hearing rehabilitation, due to the independent association between hearing loss and dementia. This study uses visually assessed neurocognitive tests of working memory, information...

Is it beneficial for children to undergo bilateral cochlear implantation before 12 months old?

Universal newborn hearing screening has allowed early diagnosis and, subsequently, early intervention in hearing loss. In 2020 the Food and Drug Administration candidacy criteria for cochlear implants (CI) expanded to include profound sensorineural hearing loss (HL) in children as young...

What is the quality of patient-reported outcomes of salivary function?

Salivary gland dysfunction has multiple causes and can have significant impact on quality of life, particularly when symptoms are severe. There are several patient-reported outcomes (PROMS) that assess these issues; however, these are variable in what they measure. This systematic...

Choosing our tools: assessing language in dementia

Language led dementia, also known as primary progressive aphasia (PPA), is an emerging area of practice in speech and language therapy. Given that the diagnosis centres around the key diagnostic feature of language, whereby language impairment is the most prominent...

Hearing loss and QOL

This article evaluates the impact of hearing loss and its rehabilitation on the quality of life (QoL) of adults. The authors suggest that the currently used scale, Aphab, is long, complicated and does not take into account minor changes. The...