You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Factors affecting the occurrence of salivary fistula after total laryngectomy

It is generally believed that patients should be fed by nasogastric tube for 7-10 days after undergoing total laryngectomy or laryngopharyngectomy to avoid the occurrence of post-operative salivary fistula. This study challenges this belief and looks into various factors that...

A comparison of two different audiology roles in Denmark and the United Kingdom

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that there are over 360 million people with a disabling hearing loss in the world. Disabling hearing loss is considered to be a loss of greater than 40 decibels (dB) in the better hearing...

Cochlear implantation in Tanzania: the journey and the outcomes

It is estimated that over 400 million people worldwide live with disabling hearing loss, 39.9 million of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa [1]. This article by Dr Aveline Kahinga and Mr Ali Jaffer demonstrates the effort that has been made...

Alternative listening devices: reaching the places hearing aids don’t

The stigma surrounding hearing aids means that many people who would benefit from wearing them are put off from doing so. Alternative listening devices could provide the solution to this. David Maidment discusses these devices, their effectiveness and the impact...

Measuring audiological outcomes in the paediatric setting

In this article Marlene Bagatto argues that a range of outcome measures and instruments need to be implemented when working with children and families. She demonstartes how these support both clinicians and families. The primary goal of early hearing detection...

Optimising hearing aid solutions for tinnitus sufferers: essential factors to consider

A tailored approach combining counselling, sensory management and perceptual training can improve the effectiveness of hearing aids in managing tinnitus for individual patients. Hearing aids are useful tinnitus therapy tools, according to tinnitus management guidelines. However, there are few published...

The process of medical innovation

You’ve got an amazing idea for a new device. It is going to change how your speciality of surgery is practised. It will lead to better operative results and lower risks to patients – that’s amazing, can I see it?...

COVID-19 innovations

The coronavirus pandemic has mobilised medical innovators in an amazing way. We take a look at just a few of the hundreds of innovative products and techniques that have been developed and used in the last few weeks. Some of...

BLA Connections: A Clear Voice – BLA podcast celebrates its first anniversary with the launch of series 3

The British Laryngological Association's popular podcast, BLA Connections: A Clear Voice, is now a year old and continues to go from strength to strength. In May 2020, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the BLA launched its first...

Audeara personalised headphones win Innovator Award

Audeara Ltd is a hearing health technology company delivering high-quality personalised audio to listeners.

Smartphone hearing test

Our Editors’ Choice for this edition reviews an article looking at the use of a smartphone app for hearing screening. We have all had to integrate telehealth into our practice to some extent recently and this paper examines a teleaudiology...

2023 EUHA Congress: call for papers

The 67th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians is seeking proposals for its series of specialist lectures.