You searched for "noise"

1425 results found

The death of Attila the Hun, a 70s film and Japanese cartoons

The 6th century Gothic monk, Jordanes, tells us that Attila the Hun, the notorious and allegedly merciless barbarian (who was a prime mover in the fall of the Roman Empire), died of a nosebleed on his wedding night in 453...

RSM Laryngology & Rhinology: the year ahead

As the president of the RSM’s Laryngology & Rhinology Section for the 2022-23 academic year, my aim is to centre the education programme around our trainees, with a real emphasis on inspiring the future generation of ENT surgeons.

Plasticity with cochlear implants: individual factors in the outcomes

Andrej Kral gives us an overview of neuronal plasticity in congenital hearing loss, and discusses why it is core to our clinical interventions in hearing loss and rehabilitation. The brain is born immature and undergoes extensive shaping during early development....

EUHA’s Future Friday goes online

If you didn’t manage to catch the 66th International EUHA Congress in Hanover, Germany, in October 2022, all is not lost. Four of the keynote lectures in the Future Friday series are now online and free to watch on the...

What is voice?

Voice is an area of clinical practice in speech and language therapy where there remains much debate, not only around the aetiology and classifications of voice disorders, but around the treatment of them. In general, it is accepted that ‘voice...

An idiot’s guide to the Ministry of Health

Neville Chamberlain on an ill-judged charm offensive. Now I like to consider myself a well brought up sort of chap, and was always taught never to bring up religion, politics or (heaven forfend!) a lady’s name at the dinner table....

Mindfulness and tinnitus: a path to peace in the present

How does training the mind to be present in the here and now help patients with troublesome tinnitus? James Jackson discusses mindfulness and its place in tinnitus management. Although definitions can be more complex, tinnitus is the perception of sound...

First UK hypoglossal nerve stimulation implant in the treatment for moderate to severe OSA

Obstructive sleep apnoea has been treated in many different ways over the years. We hear from Yakubu Karagama about one of the latest surgical developments. Introduction Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is by far the most common sleep disorder, affecting all...

Developmental stuttering: a speech-motor impairment with sensory aspects

In treating patients who stutter, understanding the effects of sensory input (i.e. auditory input) can help to direct therapeutic approaches. Sensory processing has been identified as a contributory factor in several diagnoses, notably autism and ADHD [1], however it has...

Are elective facelifts a good idea after head and neck cancer radiotherapy?

The aim of this study was to assess the safety of elective cervicofacial rhytidectomy following radiotherapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). A greater proportion of HNSCC patients are infected with certain strains of the human papillomavirus, which...

In conversation with Shelly Chadha 2019

Shelly Chadha works at the World Health Organisation as the Medical Officer for ear and hearing care. Here, Alex Griffiths-Brown interviews her to find out more about her career, challenges she’s faced and her ambitions for the future. Shelly Chadha....

Cochlear implants and therapeutics: a natural partnership?

Global awareness of cochlear implants as a solution for hearing loss is slowly increasing and gaining acceptance. The potential for combining cochlear implants with inner ear therapeutics is immense, with promise in several areas. This article takes us on a...