You searched for "educational"

1818 results found

Small but significant

These authors try to circumnavigate the conundrum of what is influenced by what. For something so small, the impact of the Stria Vascularis cannot be understated. The difficulty in reviewing the influence of loop diuretics or aminoglycosides on the Stria...

Cartilage conduction hearing aids: the third pathway for sound transmission and its application

Air-conduction and bone-conduction are familiar terms; now enter ‘cartilage conduction’. This new term offers a novel approach sound transmission. Hiroshi Hosoi explains the concept and proposes some future applications. The new sound pathway ‘cartilage conduction’ can provide various types of...

In conversation with Harvey Coates

Indigenous health would remain a Cinderella part of our speciality were it not for the work of a few outstanding pioneers. Kelvin Kong speaks to one of them: Professor Harvey Coates AO. Harvey Coates is a paediatric otolaryngologist and clinical...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Hans Henrik Philipsen

So your background is in social research, how did you develop an interest in this area? I have always had an immense curiosity when it comes to understanding other people and other cultures. My early experience as a teenager in...

Congratulations Prof Hesham Saleh

Hesham Saleh has been awarded the title of Professor of Practice in Rhinology at Imperial College London in recognition of outstanding contributions to education, leadership...

I am Malala

Tuesday 9th October, 2012 started like any other ordinary day in the life of a 15-year-old girl in Swat, Northern Pakistan. A trip to school and back with an exam in the morning. But this was not a normal day,...

Introduction to Sound - Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences Fourth Edition

The purpose of the text, now in its fourth edition, is to teach acoustics to those in the hearing and speech sciences. This can be a difficult goal because most students and clinicians do not have a physics background, so...

Information to support decision-making: does it make sense online?

The internet has become a major source for health information, with many people preferring to use the internet to search for advice than speaking to health professionals. Yet much of the information available is very difficult to read for the...

Which factors affect music involvement in implanted children’s everyday life?

During the last few years, cochlear implantation research has included music. Processing strategies and rehabilitation teams are now interested in music appreciation by implantees, as speech perception and production are no longer the only issues or targets. The present study...


Held from June 15 to 19 at the Dublin Convention Centre, this was an unmissable event for ENT surgeons and allied health professionals across the world. Hosted by Professor John Russell, the President of the Confederation, the event brought together...

In conversation with Professor Paul J Donald

Prof Paul J Donald has recently stepped down as Chairman of the ORL-HN Department at UC Davis in Sacramento and is winding down to retirement. In this interview with Prof Pat Bradley, Prof Donald explains some of the highlights of...

2020 Lancet Commission on dementia: a call to action for integrated hearing healthcare

Dr Georgiou’s summary of the 2020 update to the 2017 Lancet Commission underscores the importance of medical and hearing healthcare professionals working together to tackle the modifiable risk factors that affect individuals throughout their lives, to help delay or even...