You searched for "APD"

807 results found

In conversation with Sam Lear, BAA President: leading audiology forward

Dr Samantha Lear is the current British Academy of Audiology President, and Senior Audiology Policy Advisor at the National Deaf Children’s Society. With reviews ongoing in paediatric audiology in England and Scotland, Sam is ideally placed to lead the profession....

The use of social media to drive practice growth

Cliff Olson is the most successful user of social media in the hearing care industry as of the date of this publication. His videos have been viewed worldwide, and he has more YouTube followers than all the major hearing aid...

Dupilumab prospective RCT for CRSwNP, a multinational trial of 60 patients with a 16-week CT follow-up

This transcontinental work describes a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled parallel group study over a 16-week period, assessing 60 patients with CRSwNP by CT scan scores. All patients had a four-week period of intranasal corticosteroids followed by randomisation to add...

Dr Marion Pfaender Down

“Dr Marion P Downs, an innovator in the field of paediatric audiology and a tireless advocate for the early identification of hearing loss, passed away on November 13, 2014. During her exemplary career at the University of Colorado Health Sciences...

Clinical and financial success by providing specialised audiological tinnitus management

Diagnosis and management of a patient with chronic subjective tinnitus is one of the most labour-intensive areas of hearing healthcare. This is one reason some hearing care providers opt to exclude specialised tinnitus care from their practice: it may not...

Psychoacoustics: Perception of Normal and Impaired Hearing with Audiology Applications

The field of psychoacoustics and the practice of audiology have always been curious bedfellows. In the clinic, we commonly assess patients’ hearing ability through pure-tone detection, a classic psychoacoustical phenomenon, but just one of the many, many ways in which...

Is it really working? Assessment versus real-life language measures

Research in the field of language treatment and rehabilitation to date has used single-word naming as a controlled measure of outcome. Yet, given people do not actually communicate in single words, there is much debate as to whether this approach...

Can diet alone be used to treat laryngopharyngeal reflux?

In this crossover observational study, a low-fat, low-quick-release sugar, high-protein, alkaline, and plant-based diet was investigated as a single treatment for laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Authors recruited 50 participants with demonstrated LPR on hypopharyngeal-oesophageal multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH-monitoring (HEMII-pH), off acid suppressive...

Auditory deprivation and single-sided deafness

In cases of bilateral auditory deprivation, there is clear evidence of an inverse relationship between performance after cochlear implantation and the length of severe to profound deafness prior to implantation (i.e. the longer the deprivation the poorer the outcome on...

Incidental thyroid nodules: should we observe or operate?

Thyroid nodules are extraordinarily prevalent, detected by physical examination in 7% and by imaging studies in 67% of the population. Although most of these nodules are benign, up to 20% are found to be malignant on excision. It’s a very...

Treating benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of dizziness. Its treatment is the repositioning of displaced otoliths by the canalith repositioning manoeuvre (CRM). Post manoeuvre restrictions are commonly given to the patient. Their benefit has...

Cochlear Implant Patient Assessment: Evaluation of Candidacy, Performance, and Outcomes – Second Edition

The second edition of Cochlear Implant Patient Assessment aims to become a point of reference for all professionals involved in assessing cochlear implant candidacy and interested in broadening their knowledge to maximise the hearing capabilities of their patients. This book...