You searched for "transnasal"

436 results found

Helicobacter pylori infection delays mucociliary clearance in the nose

Chronic rhinosinusitis is not uncommonly a difficult condition to treat and therefore any possible association of this condition with factors outside the nose and sinuses is the subject of worthwhile research. Impairment of mucociliary clearance is paramount to upper respiratory...

How do we manage immune deficiency-related ENT disorders

It is not unusual to come across patients with recurrent sinonasal infections, lung infections and recurrent ear infections needing regular antibiotics in the outpatient setting. Physicians need to have a high index of suspicion that patients may have immune deficiency...

QOL studies for anterior skull base surgeries

The Anterior Skull Base Nasal Inventory-12 (ASK Nasal-12) is a standard tool for assessment of quality of life (QOL) in patients who have undergone endonasal transsphenoidal surgery. As nasal trauma and rhinological complications following endonasal transsphenoidal surgery can influence QOL,...

Removing nasal polyps assists with sleep

This small Scandinavian study looked at sleep quality in patients with CRS and nasal polyposis and whether this is improved by surgery, rated by questionnaires. A cohort of 42 Swedish patients in 2013-14 filled out four different validated sleep and...

Skull Base Cancer Imaging: The Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

This book was written to enhance knowledge of imaging, diagnosis, and treatment planning in skull base pathologies. It is broadly divided into anterior cranial fossae, nasal cavity, sellar and clival region, and CP angle. It is written in a manner...

Sublingual house dust mite immunotherapy

House dust mite immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis was shown to be effective in trials with a relatively small number of participants. The authors of this study performed a multicentre double-blind randomised controlled trial to investigate effects of house dust mite...

Saline irrigation in CRSwNP after surgery

This article, largely from Germany, aims to prove the effectiveness of nasal saline irrigation in postoperative patients with CRS with nasal polyps. A prospective, single blinded randomised trial was designed with an irrigation and non-irrigation arm. Patients who underwent sinonasal...

Aerosols and polypi

Infection in the operative cavities after endoscopic sinus surgery for sinonasal polyposis leads to recurrence of symptoms and mucopurulent discharge. The usual therapies include systemic antibiotics sometimes with steroids. The authors hypothesised that the use of a topical antimicrobial (tobramycin...

A binaural detection task that reveals deficits in listeners having ‘slight’ or ‘hidden’ hearing loss

The association of degraded binaural processing in adults with clinically defined ‘slight’ or ‘hidden’ high frequency hearing loss is of great interest to clinicians if it can be measured. Leslie R Bernstein and Constantine Trahiotis share their findings in measurements...

Minimally invasive techniques for benign salivary gland obstruction

Salivary gland obstruction is a common condition – it is recognised by a complaint of intermittent meal-time swelling of the affected salivary gland and can be accompanied by recurrent infections. Imaging can identify the nature and location of an obstruction...

The challenges of facemasks for people with hearing loss

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen an exponential increase in the use of face masks. Guidance around the globe varies on the use of face masks as an effective barrier to the coronavirus. Whereas in pre-covid...

History of photography in otorhinolaryngology in the 19th Century

In this final article of the History of ENT edition, João Clode introduces us to the history of medical photography in the 19th century, giving us some fascinating early examples of otorhinolaryngology photographs. Medical photography – the early years The...