You searched for "swallowing"

1282 results found

The theory of everything (tonsil)?

Tonsil sepsis can manifest as acute tonsillitis, a peritonsillar abscess (PTA) or rarely as an intra-tonsillar (ITA) abscess. Whilst the management of these conditions is familiar to ENT surgeons from early in training, perhaps little attention has been paid to...

Surgery for drooling

This paper looks at the surgical options for sialorrhoea once the first two options of behavioural and physiotherapy interventions and pharmacotherapy have been exhausted. The social impact of sialorrhoea on patients and their families is significant and often lifelong therefore...

Early DCR may be better than delayed in acute dacrocystitis?

Traditionally, acute dacrocystitis has been treated conservatively with antibiotics, analgesia and warm compresses, with surgery reserved for later when the infection has subsided. This meta-analysis looks at early vs. late endonasal dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) in the treatment of acute dacrocystitis, looking...

Temporoparietal fascia flap for blind sac closure

Chronic ear disease can be challenging to manage and difficult for patients to live with. In this article, the authors describe their technique for otomastoid obliteration and blind sac closure of the external canal allowing for a more tolerable situation...

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

In this article, Hannah North and Simon Lloyd give us an overview of the complex condition of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) syndrome, including diagnosis, treatment and management. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a bony defect of the otic...

Making healthcare conferences green

Who knew our healthcare conference industry contributed so much to global carbon emissions? This article summarises means to reduce the impact such that we can continue to meet with our peers for educational meetings and networking, but in a sustainable... a recipe for success with hearing aids?

Technology simplifies our lives: agree or disagree? For me, the answer to that statement can vary quite a bit throughout any given day. As much as I am now able to communicate, check my bank account, share photos, and find...

Tinnitus? There’s an app for that

Chronic tinnitus. It is difficult to treat and can have a debilitating impact on those who suffer from it. To date, there is no treatment that is guaranteed to make tinnitus go away, though there are several existing treatments that...

SoundPrint: an app for finding quieter restaurants

"Is there any chance the music could be turned down a bit”, I asked our server politely on a rare evening out with my husband. We had spent the previous half-hour shouting at each other, only to have the other...

CEORL-HNS 2022 - 6th Congress of European ORL Head and Neck Surgery

This sixth edition of the Congress of the Confederation of European Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery was a mixture of all the ENT sub-specialities. It was a real opportunity to strengthen international relationships with a backdrop of an intense and...

KARL STORZ Promotes Medical Training Worldwide

KARL STORZ has a tradition of promoting the further training of doctors across a broad medical spectrum.

Pre-hospital care

For those of us that work within the acute hospital system, the sound of the trauma pager going off warning of an incoming casualty with as yet unknown injuries is often the sound of uncertainty and anxiety. When it becomes...