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348 results found

Audiology Assistant Apprenticeship – employer and apprentice perspectives

To celebrate National Apprenticeship week in February 2021, Keiran Joseph interviewed Caroline Jackson, Principal Audiologist at Children and Young Peoples Audiology Centre St Thomas Hospital, and Audiology Assistant Apprentice, Rachael Allan, about the value of the apprenticeship scheme in their...

The lessons in setting up a community ENT service in the NHS

Sudeb Mandal, a GP with special interest in ENT, talks about the novel approach taken in the community to deliver ENT services in Kent in the UK. The Kent Community ENT service was born with the vision to bring together...

In conversation with Emma Stapleton, winner of the Hunter Doig Medal 2022

The Hunter Doig Medal is awarded once every two years to a female Fellow or Member of the Royal College of the Surgeons of Edinburgh who has demonstrated outstanding career potential and ambition. The medal is named after two female surgeons, Alice Headwards-Hunter and Caroline Doig.

The National Bone Conducting Hearing Implant Registry

Are you an otologist with an interest in implant surgery? Is your unit on the registry? If not, you’d better have a good excuse after reading this… What is the National BCHI Registry? The National Bone Conducting Hearing Implant (BCHI)...

The European School of Interdisciplinary Tinnitus

Scientific careers in tinnitus are expanding beyond any single discipline to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. Natalia Trpchevska and Christopher R Cederroth present an overview of an innovative EU-funded training programme called the ‘European School of Interdisciplinary Tinnitus’, and...

OTC hearing aids: where are we now?

The ‘Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act’ of 2017 set in motion plans for a long-debated shift in the hearing care market. In 2021, the FDA released draft guidance which will allow hearing aids in the US to be sold direct to...

Philosophy and reality of entrepreneurship

Before you take the time to read this article, be informed that it is indeed hard to be an entrepreneur. It warrants passion, sacrifice, total commitment and willingness to spend day and night (even in your sleep) thinking and working...

Audiology training in South Africa

There are many different ways to become an audiologist throughout the world and it is interesting to see how different some of the training routes can be. Dr Cherilee Rutherford, a lecturer in audiology at the University of Cape Town,...

Alternative listening devices: reaching the places hearing aids don’t

The stigma surrounding hearing aids means that many people who would benefit from wearing them are put off from doing so. Alternative listening devices could provide the solution to this. David Maidment discusses these devices, their effectiveness and the impact...

Noise monitoring on a smartphone

“The smartphone has more computing power than was used to put the first man on the moon.” Robert Eikelboom discusses the potential of the smartphone as an effective noise monitoring device. Noise exposure and public health Excessive exposure to noise...

Why and how to assess digital literacy of older adults with hearing loss

Assessing digital literacy in older adults with hearing loss is vital for equitable care. The new DL-2Q tool quickly measures such skills, ensuring tailored support and better outcomes. Digital literacy and its importance When an older patient walks into your...

In Conversation with Professor Shakeel R Saeed - EAONO

The European Academy of Otology and Neuro-otology (EAONO) will hold its 2020 meeting in London. Haroon Saeed, Specialist Trainee in ENT, asked Professor Shakeel Saeed, EAONO President, about the upcoming event. Professor Shakeel Saeed In a nutshell, what is the...