You searched for "devices"

2134 results found

Knowledge is power: the power of mobile technologies to enhance hearing-related knowledge

In recent years, the widespread use of smartphones has made it increasingly possible to improve knowledge, understanding and delivery of hearing healthcare. Melanie Ferguson tells us about the advances in mobile-health applications. Think back to five years ago - what...

Hypoglossal nerve stimulation for OSA

Hypoglossal nerve stimulation has been lauded as the great new surgical treatment panacea for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). This meta-analysis includes 12 studies with a total of 350 patients, including the five-year follow-up data from the STAR trial which was...

Present and future in myringoplasty

Tympanic membrane perforations are a common finding in ENT practice. Whilst watchful waiting or formal tympanoplasty are standard options – wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a low cost, safe, in-clinic option to immediately help patients (I hear you...

Screening for hearing loss with mHealth solutions

With the number of people suffering from hearing loss growing all the time, the need for early detection and intervention is imperative. De Wet Swanepoel discusses two examples of mHealth possibilities for hearing screening which, as a low cost solution,...

The challenge of disrupting the hearing care market in the USA

Barry Freeman, an Audiology Consultant of extensive global experience, examines the business model of hearing care service delivery in America. He discusses the challenges the profession has faced, and proposes some food for thought on learning from other health care...

Future practice: tele-rehabilitation in speech and language therapy

It is known that our population is ageing, resulting in an increase in the number of people living with progressive neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Health services endeavour to deliver specialist and personalised care to all these people, often...

Adult hearing screening: consideration for a holistic model

Background Adult-onset hearing impairment is a highly prevalent and undertreated chronic problem that poses a significant burden of disease worldwide [1]. It is usually gradual and diagnosed and managed approximately 10 years after adults have first experienced hearing difficulties [2]....

From Listening to Language: Comprehensive Intervention to Maximise Learning for Children and Adults with Hearing Loss

How does one build a two-storey house? Start with a firm foundation, followed by a strong structure. Only then can the floors and attic be added. Madell and Hewitt provide practitioners with this same blueprint to facilitate optimal outcomes for...

Mind the gap – developing a sustainable pipeline for hearing therapeutics

In this article, the authors describe three key challenges faced in developing hearing therapeutics. Collaboration between companies, sectors and disciplines will be key to finding solutions. The unmet need for therapies for hearing loss grows apace, with prevalence rising across...

Lateral wall augmentation for patulous eustachian tube

The problem more commonly attributed to the eustachian tube is lack of its patency rather than it being unduly patulous. This lesser recognised condition is due to loss of peritubal fat volume resulting in concavity of the lateral wall and...

Classification and assessment of midfacial fractures; no more Le Fort facial fractures

There is some evidence that severe or complex midfacial or orbital fractures have declined over the last decade. Interestingly there is also evidence of an increase in road traffic accidents but a decrease in facial injuries. This is possibly attributed...

Getting your nose dry: endoscopic vidian neurectomy – an old technique given new life

We are often faced with patients with intractable watery rhinorhea – patients with no demonstrable allergy, a diagnosis of NAR and no response to ipratropium or capsaicine. For such patients, vidian neurectomy has been devised – an old technique that...