You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Imaging in hyperparathyroidism

Following their caudal migration at eight weeks of development, the parathyroid glands normally locate posterolaterally to the upper pole of the thyroid gland at the level of the cricoid cartilage (superior parathyroid glands arising from the fourth branchial pouch and...

How entrepreneurs can integrate hearables into their clinic

Brian Taylor provides an interesting perspective on market segmentation of the hearing impaired population, and how as clinicians and entrepreneurs we need to be able to recognise the different approaches that are required to address the large percentage of the...

QuietStar completes refurbishment project for the Dewsbury & District Hospital

Working together with the Estates Department of The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, QuietStar was recently appointed to refurbish, update and recommission two existing, but non-compliant modular audiology test rooms for the Outpatients Audiology Department with Dewsbury & District Hospital.

Livio™ AI: In Conversation with Achin Bhowmik

A hearing aid? A Fitbit? A falls alert device? A ‘Healthable’? Achin Bhowmik discusses how Starkey’s Livio AI came to market and what it means for the future of amplification devices. Achin Bhowmik. Achin, you have an interesting background in...

In conversation with Gregory W. Randolph, President of the AAO-HNS

The American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) is the world’s largest otolaryngology, head and neck surgical organisation. Declan Costello caught up with its new President, Dr Gregory W. Randolph. Dr Gregory W. Randolph. Congratulations on your...

Predicting the need for salvage laryngectomy

The treatment of laryngeal cancer has seen a shift towards organ preservation strategies with non-surgical treatment offering equivalent survival outcomes. Nonetheless, salvage total laryngectomy (SLT) remains an important curative management option in cases of treatment failure or recurrence. The authors...

Changing perceptions in head and neck cancer management caused by quality of life issues

Sir Felix Semon was an outstanding clinician and exceptional laryngologist. The money raised by donations from his colleagues on his retirement in 1909 was used to establish the London University’s Semon Lecture. Semon’s Obituary in the BMJ, reads: “In Semon's...

Is one glass of wine on call safe?

It’s a standard question for those about to sit a Specialist Training (ST) interview; you are on call and you call a senior colleague in to perform an operation. You smell alcohol on the breath of the surgeon, so what...

Securing the future of ENT in the UK

A career in otolaryngology is fascinating, fulfilling and fun, but how do we convince our potential successors? Jay Doshi, Asad Qayyum, Bradley Storey and Tom Milner outline the fantastic efforts to showcase ENT throughout the UK. Student and foundation doctors...

Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists

As a first approach, the book impresses with the hardback cover and the glossy 442 pages. Published in March 2015, the book reflects an effort to deliver the main advances and updates of allergy and clinical immunology relevant to otolaryngology...

Gardasil vaccination as an adjuvant treatment for established recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in male adults - does it stimulate an immune response?

Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is well known to be caused by infection with the human papilloma virus (types 6 and 11). Recurrence after surgical removal is common and potentially frequent and severe. Previous research has established that many patients with...

Frederik Dikkers: championing change in laryngology

Prof Dikkers shares the details of his journey into ENT surgery, his dedication to treating laryngeal papillomatosis, and his pioneering advancements in button battery safety. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is one of the most frustrating conditions managed by laryngologists. There...