You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology – Third Edition

This resource is useful for students and professionals in the audiology field. It is an updated collection of over 7000 defined audiology terms and includes clear, concise figures and a glossary of abbreviations and audiometric symbols. It seems to be...

Take Early Action to Prevent or Address Hearing Loss

The annual spotlight on hearing loss by the World Health Organization (WHO) delivers poignant messages to both policy makers and the public in order to stress just how widespread and life-changing hearing loss is.

Atlas of Ear Diseases

In this self-published atlas, the author has approached the external ear and middle ear pathologies on the basis of classification of diseases, emphasising the added benefits of using of an oto-endoscope in identifying the external and middle ear pathologies. The...

BAA Annual Conference 2024

You are invited to join the BAA on November 21 and 22 at the Telford International Centre for our 20th annual conference and exhibition. We are delighted to have clinical leaders and expert research professionals providing clinic-changing presentations across a wide range of audiology topics

The importance of hearing aid validation in infants with hearing loss

Hearing aid validation requires that speech discrimination be measured, yet there are no validated methods of measuring speech discrimination in infants and toddlers. Prof Uhler describes two related approaches that are showing promise. Speech discrimination is the gold standard for...

Adult Audiology Casebook

This is quite an intriguing audiology text, which takes some time to get into. The first couple of cases are a bit obscure and off putting; however, by choosing individual cases to read, rather than reading through the book systematically,...

An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing

This is the sixth edition of Brian Moore’s introductory textbook to the field of psychoacoustics, which explores the links between the physical and perceptual properties of sound. The work has been revised throughout, with references to over 100 scientific papers...

Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists: a Guide to Modern Rehabilitative Audiology

This is a book of two parts. The first six chapters are not pitched at speech language pathologists (SLP), at least not for those in typical practice in the UK. This section of the book is appropriate to experienced audiologists...

Which cross-over frequency is best for electro-acoustic stimulation?

Advances in technology and improved soft surgical techniques have led to individuals with better hearing thresholds, especially at the low frequencies, becoming candidates for cochlear implants (CI). Surgeons are more confident that residual hearing can be preserved thus making those...

Out of Africa: Audiovannah audiology clinic in Zimbabwe

Audiovannah reception area. In 2015 two Danish audiologists, Jenny Pedersen and Nicolai Pedersen, relocated to Zimbabwe and opened a full service audiology clinic (Audiovannah) in the capital city of Harare. The focus has been to give back as much as...

TEN testing in paediatric patients

Threshold equalising noise (TEN) testing is used to identify dead regions (DRs) of the cochlear. Alexandra Lusty considers the challenges of using the TEN test in the paediatric population as well as the importance of identifying DRs. Diagnosing dead regions...

Investigation of the role of KPNA2 biomarker in oral SCC invasiveness

This edition of Head and Neck has a strong focus on studies using immunohistochemistry (IHC) to elucidate potential roles of various cell-signalling molecules in both HNSCC and thyroid cancer. The ‘cellular-protein heavy’ title of this article may be off-putting to...