You searched for "testing"

2929 results found

Misophonia – a psychological disorder?

Historically, there has been disagreement regarding misophonia classification, with questions surrounding whether it is a psychological or physiological disorder. Dr Jennifer Jo Brout discusses misophonia classification, research, and guidelines for the role of the psychologist. Photo courtesy of Pexels. What...

Murder most foul, strange and unnatural

Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare at the very beginning of the 17th century has definite otological interest. The whole play is about young Prince Hamlet’s revenge for his father’s murder. The king is killed by Hamlet’s wicked uncle, who then...

History of ENT - Murder most foul, strange and unnatural

Hamlet written by William Shakespeare at the very beginning of the 17th century has definite otological interest. The whole play is about young Prince Hamlet’s revenge for his father’s murder. The king is killed by Hamlet’s wicked uncle, who then...

Take-home tinnitus care – Sound Relief App

Tinnitus is a condition that affects over 300 million people worldwide. Typically it manifests as a ringing or buzzing in the ears and while there is not yet a cure there are many ways for patients to manage their tinnitus....

Pursuing part-time postgraduate qualifications

Thinking of going back to university to do further study? We hear from one audiologist who identified an area of further study and specialisation and took the leap. My career in audiology began in 2003 through a traditional route in...

Should human beings sleep in the prone position?

Are we poised for a ‘sleep prone’ campaign to reduce nocturnal apnoeas? Prof Armin Moniri presents a fascinating account of how sleeping position can affect obstructive sleep apnoea. Inspired by sleeping position of other mammals, a new mattress and pillow...

The role of macrolide antibiotics in chronic rhinosinusitis

The use of long-term antibiotics in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis is a contentious issue, not only because of the increasing problem with antibiotic resistance but also because of the potential cardiac risks, including sudden death. In this article, Anders...

Thyroid cancer – the last decade

Professor Ashok Shaha describes the evolution in the treatment of thyroid cancer that he has witnessed over the last decade and the invaluable progress made by himself and others, from their contributions to staging systems and guidelines. Nuances and paradigm...

Thyroid dysfunction and Meniere’s disease: is there a relationship?

The set of symptoms described as Meniere’s disease may have several causative factors. Timothy Hain and Patthida Maroongroge look for a relationship in the literature between Meniere’s disease and hypothyroidism. Meniere’s disease (MD) affects around two in 1000 people and...

First UK hypoglossal nerve stimulation implant in the treatment for moderate to severe OSA

Obstructive sleep apnoea has been treated in many different ways over the years. We hear from Yakubu Karagama about one of the latest surgical developments. Introduction Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is by far the most common sleep disorder, affecting all...

Cochlear implant services matter

A global survey of deaf and hard of hearing adults has found very high satisfaction rates with cochlear implants (CI).

The changing spectrum of cancer of the oropharynx: dilemmas and future directions

The association of HPV in oropharyngeal cancer has identified a ‘new disease’, with its unique biologic behaviour, and challenges for clinicians in selecting therapeutic combinations offering maximum efficacy and minimum morbidity or long-term sequela currently under study in clinical trials....