You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

BLA Connections: A Clear Voice – BLA podcast celebrates its first anniversary with the launch of series 3

The British Laryngological Association's popular podcast, BLA Connections: A Clear Voice, is now a year old and continues to go from strength to strength. In May 2020, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the BLA launched its first...

Comprehensive Management of Skull Base Tumors – Second Edition

This is the second edition of a multi-author textbook first published over a decade ago. Most of the chapter authors are North American, as are the editors themselves. There is also a smattering of well-known contributors from the rest of...

From Hippocrates to COVID-19: sniffing out the disease

The ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, used the ‘art of smell’ to diagnose diseases around 400BC. He also formulated miasmatic theory, which posited that disease is caused by bad smells. Bad air was strongly believed by many physicians to be the...

MRI scanning patients with cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants

In the last five to six decades, MRI scanning has gone from physics experiments in Nottingham University through to Nobel prize-winning work by Sir Peter Mansfield and Paul Lauterbur, to a ‘routine’ imaging modality with an estimated 60 million MRI...

Sounding It Out: The UKs hottest Audiology Podcast – boost your CPD ‘on the go’!

If you could boost your CPD points while cooking, driving or even exercising…that would be a dream, right? Well now you can!

Hearing aid outcomes in older adults: what and when to measure

What matters to older adults when purchasing a hearing aid? Larry Humes explores the domains that should be measured for this key group. This article identifies key domains of hearing aid outcome in older adults. Increasingly, third-party payers and private-pay...

Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management - Second edition

In the current NHS climate of pressure on patient throughput, offset against new technology – and plasticity - driven practice, we need to use time and skills effectively. This book is a comprehensive guide to practical applications in paediatric audiology....

Lost and sound: exploring hyperbaric oxygen therapy for refractory SSNHL

Can hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) offer a breakthrough for patients with refractory sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL)? SSNHL is defined as acute hearing loss of ≥30 decibels in three consecutive frequencies within three days. Typically, it’s treated with two weeks...

Continuing professional development

In this article Siobhán Brennan explores continuing professional development (CPD) in all its glory! She outlines why it’s important to continue learning throughout our careers, highlights some of the challenges facing those trying to undertake CPD and discusses the variety...

Working with people with hearing loss and dementia

A member of the SENSE-Cog team in the UK, Dr Littlejohn provides an overview of multidisciplinary recommendations for diagnosis, management and care of older adults with hearing loss, vision loss and dementia. She underscores how consideration of hearing status when...

The role of artificial intelligence and applications in ENT surgery

AI is progressing apace. If you’re wondering how it might affect our working lives in ENT, read on for insights and a pilot study that show us what may be possible. The recent launch of ChatGPT, an open access artificial...

The evolving role of OAEs in newborn hearing screening

An admission on emissions from James Hall! OAEs hold an established place in the screening of infants; Professor Hall introduces how OAEs established this position and the advances keeping the test relevant to today’s infant screening battery. Introduction Truthfully, when...