You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Patient-led wax and aural foreign body removal technology – is it safe?

As ENT and audiology professionals, wax impaction and aural foreign bodies are common presentations to our clinic that can cause significant distress to patients and can preclude diagnostic testing such as pure tone audiograms and tympanometry. We often advise patients...

Music and cochlear implants

Introduction The introduction of multichannel cochlear implants (CIs) in the early 1980s provided children and adults with severe and profound hearing losses with greatly improved speech perception skills. In this paper, however, I am going to focus on an area...

Sandlin’s Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification: Technical and Clinical Considerations – Third Edition

This textbook is intended for graduate clinicians and scientists in audiology. It covers a broad range of topics over 20 chapters written by clinical and technical experts, most of whom are based in the US and Denmark, and the book...

Inter-professional teamwork and hearing care for older adults with cognitive loss

There is growing awareness that hearing loss is linked to dementia [1]. The average first-time hearing aid user is about 70 years old. By this age, approximately 1 in 2 people have hearing loss and 1 in 7 have cognitive...

Lessons from the outcomes of children with hearing loss study

The Outcomes of Children with Hearing Loss (OCHL) study of 300 children with hearing loss has targeted several factors that are under the control of audiologists and parents. Drs McCreery and Walker discuss how these ‘lessons learned’ can lead to...

How cognition influences hearing aid use

Introduction Hearing aids are designed to provide amplification for individuals with poor auditory sensitivity. Signal processing algorithms are designed and implemented in hearing aids to further enhance speech intelligibility and to improve listening comfort by attenuating unwanted background noise. Sarampalis...

The Human Ear Canal

If ever a book aptly lived up to its name, it would be ‘The Human Ear Canal’ by Dr Ballachandra. Not once straying from its path, this second edition aims to take the reader on a somewhat tangential tour of...

OTC hearing aids: where are we now?

The ‘Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act’ of 2017 set in motion plans for a long-debated shift in the hearing care market. In 2021, the FDA released draft guidance which will allow hearing aids in the US to be sold direct to...

In this issue...Inner Ear Therapeutics

Emma Stapleton, MBChB, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK. E: @otolaryngolofox Ralph Holme, Director of Research and Insight, RNID, UK. Ralph. E: W: For Mar/Apr 2022, we sang the...

Sounding It Out: The UKs hottest Audiology Podcast – boost your CPD ‘on the go’!

If you could boost your CPD points while cooking, driving or even exercising…that would be a dream, right? Well now you can!

Signia UK enters into partnership with The Audiology Academy

Today, Signia UK and The Audiology Academy have announced an exclusive partnership designed with the intention to create better access to high quality training for Hearing Care Professionals in the UK.

RSM ‘Otology Dragon’s Den’

The Royal Society of Medicine Otology Section recently held an ‘Otology Dragon’s Den’ event. Following on from our interview with Professor Gerry O’Donoghue, RSM Otology Section President, in the run-up to this event, we interviewed Steve Broomfield, Consultant Otologist in...