You searched for "sound"

3067 results found

Surgery in the only hearing ear

In this study the Turkish authors attempted to investigate how quality of life was impacted in patients who underwent surgery for chronic otitis media in their only remaining hearing ear (OHE). Some surgeons view this as high risk due to...

Does teaching affect patient satisfaction?

Teaching practice on real patients has several advantages in terms of lower costs and genuine clinical material but it is often a concern that using real patients for undergraduate teaching may result in patient dissatisfaction and many patients would prefer...

How should I excise sinonasal tumours, open or endoscopic? En bloc or piecemeal?

Sinonasal tumours often present late because initial symptoms mimic benign disease. They tend to produce more unilateral nasal symptoms, and patients with advance disease often describe paraesthesia and other cranial neuropathies. They only account for approximately 3% of upper aerodigestive...

Pyriform turbinoplasty

This article describes a new operative technique to improve nasal airflow, the pyriform turbinoplasty. This specifically addresses the lateral part of the nasal valve where there may be impingement into the airway in select patients. This corresponds to the area...

Smell and mental health

This national survey from Korea asked questions about many aspects of health and one of these was about sense of smell. The prevalence of olfactory problems was 5% in the adult group surveyed, and other studies would suggest that this...

Combined sprays for allergic rhinitis maintenance

This meta-analysis looked at the reported efficacy for allergic rhinitis control of various topical sprays, particularly comparative studies. There were fewer ‘head to head’ studies than we would have hoped to exist. This review included intranasal anti-histamines, intranasal steroids and...

Interacoustics launches IA-AMTAS self-testing option

Interacoustics recently launched the IA-AMTAS automated test feature for patient self-testing in the audiometry module of Affinity Compact.

Budesonide irrigation in polyposis

It is very well known through many RCTs and now meta-analyses that saline-based irrigation is beneficial in patients after sinus surgery. It is also demonstrated that intranasal steroids are beneficial postoperatively but there is also a trend for steroid based...

Nursing care for ENT patients

Increasingly within the UK, issues related to bed availability can lead to ENT patients receiving care away from previously well-established specialist wards. This is a cause for concern in many institutions and the authors looked to assess this. They demonstrated...

Clonidine based vs Remifentanil based hypotensive anaesthesia in FESS

A study investigating the use of clonidine preoperatively in FESS surgery. A double blinded trial of 47 patients in Barcelona randomised into receiving clonidine (20 minutes preoperatively) versus Remifentanil (continuous infusion). Propofol and fentanyl were used for induction and then...

How can we treat a patient with aural fullness?

Aural fullness is a common complaint that we often come across in many of our otology patients. Management of this condition can be quite challenging. Common differentials include eustachian tube dysfunction, patulous eustachian tube dysfunction, otitic barotrauma, superior canal dehiscence...

Not to be underestimated

Equipment may differ, formulas and hearing aids alter, but I am in agreement with what this article points out: the test box can be considered a vastly under-used and under-appreciated piece of equipment. It can provide an alternative verification for...