You searched for "prosthesis"

278 results found

The integration of targeted therapy and surgery in advanced thyroid cancer clinical trials

One of the headline speakers, Mark Zafereo, will be talking at IFOS about thyroid cancer. We hear from his team about some of the areas they will be discussing. Locally advanced thyroid cancer generally refers to patients who have significant...

Congenital cytomegalovirus causing deafness in children: an update

Congenital CMV is the leading non-genetic cause of sensorineural hearing loss in children. Keith Trimble draws our attention to this and gives a comprehensive guide on diagnosis and treatment. Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is common, affecting 1% of all newborns,...

Cancer genetics and signalling pathways in ENT – a review and discussion of how this can be applied to rare tumours

Introduction Cancer cases continue to increase worldwide, and­­ head and neck cancer is a major global health issue, with an estimated global burden of over 630,000 new cases and over 350,000 deaths per year [1]. The term ‘head and neck...

Recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis: What to do next?

Whilst the majority of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) will significantly improve with treatment, we are sometimes left with a ‘hard-core’ of nasal cripples who fail to improve despite our best efforts. How can we deal with these patients? Valerie...

Surgical challenges in advanced or recurrent thyroid malignancy

The management of thyroid malignancy and extent of surgery is controversial, especially considering the limitations of preoperative diagnosis. Neil Tolley provides guidance and reminds us of our responsibility not to over-treat. In the UK, 16% of thyroidectomies are performed for...

What you need to know about recent advances in genetics of hearing loss in the newborn

Identifying the underlying genetic cause of hearing loss in newborns can improve dramatically the early diagnosis and appropriate intervention. Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder at birth, affecting approximately two out of 1000 newborns [1]. Congenital impaired hearing...

AI reshaping the landscape of head and neck cancer

With artificial intelligence set to transform almost every aspect of life, Abishek Mahajan reviews its potential to improve head and neck cancer care. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative tool in healthcare. In the realm of oncology, AI...

Running a post-COVID smell clinic

Over the past year, much of our effort as a speciality has been directed towards crisis management and keeping services afloat. Our practice has changed in untold ways, but unprecedented numbers of patients with smell disorders will increasingly require our...

Why and what should hearing care professionals know about cognitive impairment and dementia

Good reasons to care about cognitive impairment and dementia in audiology If asking people what they fear most when getting to old age, it is cognitive decline that is named most often. This comes with the expectation of limitations in...

Enhancing performance and well-being for surgeons: the science of life coaching

Life coaching has emerged as a powerful personal and professional development tool, particularly for individuals navigating high-stakes environments. Life coaching emphasises self-awareness, self-management and self-efficacy, including establishing desired outcomes, goal setting and developing skills and action plans to achieve them....

Temporal bone trauma

Introduction Temporal bone injuries represent one of the more complex management problems presenting to the otolaryngologist. This is largely due to difficulties in assessment and the frequent delays in referral, often as a result of other injuries demanding more immediate...

What’s new in laryngology: the next 10 years!

At a time of unprecedented technological advances, Taran Tatla and Jonathan Fishman gaze into the laryngological crystal ball… Introduction The recent explosion in science, technology and innovation takes us into a new era, with the opportunity and capability to transform...