You searched for "children"

796 results found

Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea hypopneoa syndrome (OSAHS) without sleep studies

Polysomnography is considered the ‘gold standard’ in the diagnosis of sleep apnoea but it is expensive and difficult to perform in children. Diagnosis based on subjective judgement is often inaccurate. An accurate diagnostic scale based on clinical parameters could obviate...

CT guided cochlear implant programming improves performance

There is currently no national (UK) consensus on imaging patients for cochlear implantation. This paper may change that. It has shown increased hearing and quality of life in paediatric cochlear implant (CI) users when the programming has been assisted by...

Division of tongue tie helps breast feeding

The need for frenotomy in children with tongue tie is not universally accepted. It is however understood that among other problems, such as impaired speech, tongue tie impedes breast feeding possibly leading to early weaning. Therefore, with recent resurgence of...

A comparison of cold dissection, coblation and diode laser tonsillectomy

Excellence in tonsillectomy is based on the time taken, blood loss and rapid recovery with minimal pain. In this study, 120 children underwent tonsillectomy by three methods, namely cold dissection, coblation and diode laser dissection in three randomly allocated groups...

Infant mental health and hearing loss

This interesting editorial explores an aspect in the field of research dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development and the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in very young children. Since babies learn through primary attachment relationships with...

Otoplasty equals happiness

There are frequent criticisms of procedures that are viewed as cosmetic therefore of no benefit to health. Here a German group have looked at the benefit of otoplasty on quality of life. They point out that ‘beautiful people have an...

English language development in bilingual toddlers

It is known that bilingual children have a smaller vocabulary in each of their two languages than monolingual children and also take a little longer to reach the same levels as monolinguals on various grammatical tasks. The authors of the...

For how long is post-pinnaplasty head bandage really necessary?

It is customary to put on a head bandage after pinnaplasty and the general consensus is that it should remain on for about a week to prevent haematoma and splint the reshaped pinna in place. In this review article, the...

What’s the risk of regrowth with partial (intracapsular) tonsillectomy

Partial (intracapsular) tonsillectomy is enjoying somewhat of a revival offering the potential for less postoperative pain and bleeding whilst relieving the obstructive element. The authors look at 303 patients, 82 of whom had partial tonsillectomy using coblation. They measured pre...

9th International Pediatric Audiology Conference

A Sound Foundation Through Early Amplification This conference will be held in-person in San Diego, California, with live stream available for online participation. Sponsored by Phonak, the conference is chaired by Professor Anne Marie Tharpe and Dr Marlene Bagatto. The...

Patient and public involvement in research

One step further from involving patients in setting research priorities is to involve them in the planning and recruitment stages of the subsequent trials and studies. Here, Carl Philpott and Aneeka Degun explain the concept of Patient and Public Involvement...

Are you sitting comfortably? Then we shall begin

Paediatric Audiologist, Natalie Stephenson, shares her experience working with children and young people, the impact of lockdown and the value of patient-centred care, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Am I glad that I know The Gruffalo off by heart? Yes, I...