You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Planning for the long term when working with young people with TBI

Traumatic brain injuries are most common amongst young people and can have long term consequences. The authors of this article provide an approach to management of cognitive and communication difficulties which starts with a detailed assessment using the model of...

What the people want and need: emerging service for communication needs in Ghana

There is a significant shortfall in rehabilitation service for people with communication difficulties across Majority World countries. It is known that many people in these countries are likely to seek help from a variety of sectors including western healthcare, religious...

Can you hear the speech disorder?

Dysarthria is often the first or most pronounced feature of a Parkinson’s disease (PD) presentation, yet may be difficult to discern from normal ageing changes that impact voice and speech. Thus, it is important to be able to differentiate in...

How does temporomandibular dysfunction affect voice-related quality of life?

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is a group of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal problems that affect the muscles and fascia related to chewing and jaw opening. Patients are often seen in ENT clinics because of symptoms such as trismus, pain and muscle tension,...

Above and beyond interprofessional learning

There has been a significant focus on interprofessional education for all health professionals over recent years. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association became a member of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies (in America) in 2016. These competencies provide four core competencies...

Assessing surgical tracheostomy skills

Surgical tracheostomy is an essential operation that trainees must be competent in. There is a lot of research currently looking into assessing trainees’ surgical abilities, particularly into assessments that can be used to demonstrate progress, so this article is very...

Division of tongue tie helps breast feeding

The need for frenotomy in children with tongue tie is not universally accepted. It is however understood that among other problems, such as impaired speech, tongue tie impedes breast feeding possibly leading to early weaning. Therefore, with recent resurgence of...

Cochlear implantation in Ménière’s disease

This was a Belgian retrospective study of seven patients with Ménière’s disease who underwent cochlear implantation. All patients had bilateral severe to profound hearing loss and all met AAO-HNS criteria for Ménière’s disease. Follow-up for patients ranged from six months...

IV dexamethasone versus LA infiltration during paediatric tonsillectomy

Postoperative nausea and vomiting following tonsillectomy is important to control for improved oral intake and satisfaction following surgery. Optimal management is still debated. This team from Beirut conducted a randomised double blind clinical trial comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone...

Rhinoplasty: state-of-the-art

Rhinoplasty surgery has evolved over the years, and Pietro Palma introduces a further new concept. When flicking through the topics of major rhinoplasty meetings, the astute observer will realise that, at present, there are two mainstream schools of rhinoplasty, which...

Active middle ear implants and bone-anchored hearing systems

The implantable hearing device market has grown significantly over recent years. But as conventional hearing aids improve and cochlear implant candidacy widens, what is the role for active middle ear implants and bone anchored hearing systems, and how should we...

Microneedles enable inner ear precision medicine

Developing safe, reliable and efficient ways to deliver therapeutics into the cochlea is a key challenge. In this article, the authors share their work to develop microneedles to address this challenge. The era of precision medicine of the inner ear...