You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Voice after posterior cordotomy: we think voice is bad, patients think it’s better!

Bilateral vocal fold immobility (BVFI) is a condition that can affect voice with an impact on quality of life (QOL). Surgical trauma from damage to bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerves, such as from previous thyroid, parathyroid, or mediastinal surgery are common...

Safeguarding Physician Wellbeing: Using Checklists for Personal, Professional and Psychological Safety

‘Checklists’ in the operating room make for safer surgery, better handovers and improved patient care. Can we apply the principles we have learned since Atul Gawande and the WHO pioneered this approach to surgery to our own wellbeing as doctors,...

3rd Royal National ENT Hospital Advanced Otology & Auditory Implants Course

The 3rd Royal National Ear Nose & Throat Advanced Otology & Auditory Implants Course is a unique 2-day symposium aimed at Consultant Otologists & Auditory Implant surgeons, senior Otology trainees and SAS doctors. This unique event will run as a...

34th Politzer Society Meeting

The latest Politzer Society meeting has just taken place in Rome between the 13 and 16 October 2024, led by its president, Professor Maurizio Barbara. The Politzer Society is an international scientific organisation whose objective is the dissemination of knowledge in the field of otology and neurotology worldwide.

The 66th Hallpike Symposium - BAAP

The 66th Hallpike Symposium took place on the 15th November 2024. It was organised by Drs Carolyn Ainsworth and Rosa Crunkhorn, Audiovestibular Medicine (AVM) Consultants at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London. The theme of the event was ‘Recognising systemic conditions associated with audiovestibular dysfunction for the practicing clinician’.

The impact of vocal care and oral health on laryngeal function and voice

Maintenance of epithelial health relies on a number of measures. We hear about hydration, irritants and biofilms from a team in Helsinki. Oropharyngeal health Vocal hygiene is a commonly used term that refers to the personal daily habits contributing to...

Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Hearing Devices - Second Edition

This is a detailed resource for hearing-related healthcare professionals. It comprehensively addresses various aspects of cochlear implant care across 22 very readable chapters. Three of these chapters are new in this second edition; including single-sided deafness, auditory neuropathy, and the...

The challenge of disrupting the hearing care market in the USA

Barry Freeman, an Audiology Consultant of extensive global experience, examines the business model of hearing care service delivery in America. He discusses the challenges the profession has faced, and proposes some food for thought on learning from other health care...

An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing

This is the sixth edition of Brian Moore’s introductory textbook to the field of psychoacoustics, which explores the links between the physical and perceptual properties of sound. The work has been revised throughout, with references to over 100 scientific papers...

The Frontal Sinus: Surgical Approaches and Controversies

The Frontal Sinus: Surgical Approaches and Controversies is an exceptional resource for surgeons seeking to advance their knowledge in the field of sinus surgery. The book provides a detailed and insightful exploration of the various techniques, challenges, and potential complications...

New bone anchored hearing implant reaches clinical milestone

A new implant for bone-conduction hearing, BCI (Bone Conduction Implant), has been developed by Bo Håkansson and his team of researchers at Chalmers University of Technology and Sahlgrenska University Hospital, both in Gothenburg, Sweden. Unlike most bone-conduction devices used today,...