You searched for "sound"

3067 results found

Deglutition in pharyngolaryngectomy patients

Circular defects after total pharyngolaryngectomy present a reconstructive challenge. In this study, the authors compared the swallowing results after three reconstructive techniques: free forearm flap, free jejunal loop and folded pectoralis major flap. Forty-six patients were included and were evaluated...

Centralisation of care for acoustic tumour surgeries?

Several factors are responsible for readmission after acoustic tumour removal. The authors retrospectively studied the association between hospital, patient and insurance factors with the rate of readmission following acoustic tumour removal in the United States using the Nationwide Readmission Database...

Cochlear implantation in enlarged vestibular aqueduct patients

In this systematic review, the authors describe the complications and outcomes of cochlear implantation in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA). The authors reviewed five major databases and included 4035 patients from 34 studies. Of these, 853 patients (21.14%) had...

The never-ending vertigo

The authors comment on the Barany Society guidelines for bilateral vestibulopathy (BV). This is one of the murky entities of vestibulogy. By definition, patients will eventually lose vestibular function and don’t experience any vertigo. However, some patients still get recurrent...

Hurdle jumping

This article deserves a little attention, rather like settling into conversation. As the writers state, listening is an effort and is a tricky field of study when combining multiple physiological measures. In order to gain an understanding, they suggest: consider...

MICRONOMIC® III Good things do come in small packages!

Entermed’s budget-friendly Micronomic III is a compact workstation designed to accommodate every ENT surgeons’ basic requirements in tight conditions.

The applicability and reliability of SHIMP, a new vestibular test, in adolescents

The video head impulse (now called the head impulse paradigm – HIMP) is now a routine test battery in neuro-otological practice. Few will be familiar with the new suppression head impulse paradigm (SHIMP) test. The key difference is that, in...

Zinc and rhinosinusitis

Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in general, and those with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in particular, have been shown to have down-regulation of tight junction genes. Zinc, on the other hand, is well-known for its role in immune regulation and deficiency...

Multisystem pathology in refractory otitis media with effusion

Recurrent middle ear effusion is a common problem and so is rhinosinusitis with polyposis. It is not often thought that the problem could be linked to multisystem pathology, such as eosinophilic granulomatous with polyposis. Therefore, repeated grommet insertions and surgical...

Surgical and non-interventional management of laryngomalacia

In this elaborate review article, the authors have described various aspects of laryngomalacia and its surgical management with supraglottoplasty or otherwise, gleaned from an extensive review of the literature which provided evidence or the lack of it in relation to...

IL-25 and nasal polyps, another target

Immune response in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is mainly via type 2 T-helper (Th2) cells while Th1 cells characterise chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps (CRSsNP) immune response. CRSwNP is heterogeneous on a cytological level causing a varied response...

Developmental language disorder

Disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and developmental dyslexia have received widespread recognition. As a result, children affected by these conditions are able to receive remedial services. In this article, the author discusses the possible reasons...