You searched for "surgeons"

2066 results found

VITASPARK - a career counselling service with a difference!

Focusing on the needs of today’s surgical trainees, Vitaspark has been created and curated by Aishan Patil, a Scottish surgical SpR, ably assisted by his colleague, Soorya Siva (orthopaedic SpR).

Inter-aural hearing preservation in cochlear implantation

Hearing preservation during cochlear implantation is becoming increasingly important, although results can be unpredictable. NICE are in the process of updating their guidance in the UK and it is possible that those with better hearing than the current candidates will...

Monitored safe medical practice: minimising patient harm will reduce medical negligence bill for the NHS

Patrick Bradley ruminates on a celebrated career in ENT head and neck surgery and suggests that increasing the possibility of positive outcomes to contemporary patient safety initiatives by the NHS must involve efforts to develop an enthusiastic contented workforce willing...

International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS): its programmes and impact on head and neck cancer worldwide

In the first article of this edition, we introduce IFHNOS, which has created a major impact on the landscape of head and neck cancer treatment and education over the past quarter of a century by offering a global platform amongst...

The first compact auriscope: the 1865 speculum auris of Dr Brunton

Bringing light into darkness can also be a task for the physician. With the advent of endoscopy (initially by reflecting light into body cavities), new methods of diagnosis and treatment became available to the otologist. In 1865, the Scotsman John...

In conversation with Emma Stapleton, winner of the Hunter Doig Medal 2022

The Hunter Doig Medal is awarded once every two years to a female Fellow or Member of the Royal College of the Surgeons of Edinburgh who has demonstrated outstanding career potential and ambition. The medal is named after two female surgeons, Alice Headwards-Hunter and Caroline Doig.

Speech and language therapy is valuable for people at all stages of dementia

The number of people living with dementia is going to increase significantly over the coming 10-20 years. The authors of this article describe the breadth of the role of speech and language therapists (SLTs) working with people with dementia. They...

The multidisciplinary voice clinic

In his inimitable way, Nick Gibbins tells us why the voice clinic is the highlight of his week – and his very own field of dreams. The voice clinic has come a long way in the last 40 years. The...

Mentally and physically safe workplaces: the challenge of doctors’ well-being

Our ENT consultant colleague Eric Levi bravely tackles the very real elephant in the room of that stigma which is not really discussed until it is often too late. It takes courage to tackle a difficult topic like doctors’ mental...

European power women in otolaryngology: a focus on Laura Viani, Ireland’s first female otolaryngologist

Professor Laura Viani is a Consultant Otolaryngologist at Beaumont Hospital and Temple Street University Children’s Hospital and has been a member of Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland for the last 17 years. As the first female...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

PHACON artificial bone models for ENT training

Simulation, both in training and clinical practice, has become an increasingly important facet of a surgeon’s life. The escalating costs of cadaveric material makes synthetic alternatives an attractive proposition but, up until recently, these artificial versions have lacked the material...