You searched for "medication"

2704 results found

Tactile Sensing and Displays: Haptic Feedback for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Robotics

This book has a catchy title and due to my interest in developing simulation systems for training in surgery I was delighted to be asked to review. However, I found it very hard going and the first few chapters are...

Oral Complications of Cancer and its Management

The title of this book had the promise to lead us to a clear understanding of the common complications associated with surgical and nonsurgical interventions for oral cancers; and, of course, tell us about the evidence based management of its...

Binaural Interference: A Guide for Audiologists

This book details what binaural interference is, it looks at the basic principles of this topic and follows the research over the years that has gone into investigating what causes binaural interference. It makes for an interesting read, covering a...

A guide to managing atypical communication in healthcare

This book provides the background theory as well as practical tips for communicating with different patient populations and varying conditions. Published in 2023, it is a recent book with a great deal of research and practice guidance embedded from various...

AIHHP announces new chair

Oliver Wright has been appointed chair of the UK’s Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals (AIHHP).

Infant mental health and hearing loss

This interesting editorial explores an aspect in the field of research dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development and the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in very young children. Since babies learn through primary attachment relationships with...

Contemporary Rhinology Science and Practice

Contemporary Rhinology Science and Practice is an excellent textbook that provides a comprehensive and up-to-date approach to various rhinology and skull base conditions. This text expertly integrates both applied science and clinical aspects, making it an invaluable resource for practitioners...

Medicine in the Mountains

This is an easy-to-read paperback with interesting accompanying photographs. Its focus is one of the UK-based teams who have done considerable healthcare work in Nepal. Written by David Hawker, a British anaesthetist, we see the story unfold through his eyes....

Temporal Bone: A Surgeon’s Vision

The foreword to this textbook clearly describes the intentions of the authors to provide a guide to young otologists whilst performing temporal bone dissection and to familiarise them with the temporal bone. To this aim the book wholeheartedly delivers. It...

Mobile apps for ENT emergencies

On-call apps have been covered in this publication before, with reference apps taking centre stage [1]. This article will focus on apps with specific functions which can be of use in frequently arising emergency scenarios. However, for reference apps I...

BACO – the early years

The origins of the British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO) are indelibly intertwined in the mists of time with the foundation of the British Association of Otolaryngology (BAO). For further information on the latter I can only refer the interested...

FDA Approved Lenire Expands Number of US Clinics

Neuromod Devices, the medical technology company that developed tinnitus treatment device, Lenire, has partnered with an additional 24 new US clinics to address the significant demand for the FDA Approved tinnitus treatment device.