You searched for "funding"

2184 results found

Plasticity with cochlear implants: individual factors in the outcomes

Andrej Kral gives us an overview of neuronal plasticity in congenital hearing loss, and discusses why it is core to our clinical interventions in hearing loss and rehabilitation. The brain is born immature and undergoes extensive shaping during early development....

Global Ambassadors Highlights of the Year

Audiology, Indian Subcontinent, Krishna Yerraguntla Over 466-million people live with disabling hearing loss and global costs of unaddressed hearing loss is 750-billion international dollars. Thus, to alleviate the impact of hearing loss on lives of people, The World Hearing Day...

Cinch suture: Does it work?

Flaring of the nostrils is a common side-effect of a maxillary osteotomy. At times flaring is minimal or of no significance. In some instances, it can be a significant postoperative concern to the patient, even to the extent of declining...

Head and neck high dependency unit - an alternative to ITU?

Close observation of the airway is a primary requirement for patients undergoing major head and neck surgery. It is also necessary for patients with upper airway infection and trauma. Wound care, drains, feeding and analgesia also require specific attention. Whilst...

In search of courage; transition 
into Army

In search of courage. Well, that is how it all started. I was fairly advanced in surgical training not to mention age, when I decided to join the Territorial Army (TA). My peers, on hearing this couldn’t decide whether I...

People with language-led dementia in India

Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a language led dementia characterised by slowly worsening speech and language. It is associated with atrophy of the dominant temporal-parietal lobe regions and is commonly caused by frontotemporal or Alzheimer’s pathologies. There are three PPA...

Laryngopharyngeal reflux - would mucolytics help?

With laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) being such a common presenting complaint to ENT clinics, who would not want to have more, effective treatment options for patients suffering with this annoying condition? In their small randomised, controlled trial, Chae et al put...

Patient reported outcomes following total laryngectomy using the Swallowing Outcomes After Laryngectomy (SOAL) questionnaire

Following a total laryngectomy, alterations in the pharyngeal musculature and changes in the pharyngo-oesophageal segment due to reconstruction, results in altered bolus transit. Swallowing dysfunction after total laryngectomy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma can vary from 10%-90%. There...

Does balloon tuboplasty work in the long term, and how can we measure outcomes?

There is much interest and debate at ENT conferences and within current literature about the role of balloon dilatation techniques for Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD), a condition which we still only have limited understanding of, and which can be challenging...

To drain or not to drain

These two separate papers neatly tie together the same ideas. The first, a retrospective study of 107 patients and 116 procedures over a 10-year period who underwent a CSF leak repair, 82.2% without a lumbar drain and 17.8% with. The...

Is the lack of sunshine the reason behind allergic rhinitis?

Deficiency in Vitamin D, an in vogue immunomodulator, has been shown in emerging data to have a substantial pathogenetic role in allergic related diseases, particularly asthma. The concept of a shared upper and lower airway has allowed the natural extrapolation...

Doctors’ health and wellbeing: depression in surgeons

Dr Clare Gerada and Richard Jones work for the Practitioner Health Programme (PHP), a specialist service for doctors and dentists in the London area with mental health / addiction problems ( Here they discuss some of their preliminary findings (specific...