You searched for "Musicians"

921 results found

UK hears its first Week of Sound

A week of events on the themes of hearing health, the sound environment and musical expression will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, from 16 to 20 October 2023.

Mucormycosis: In conversation with Dr Deepak Haldipur and Dr Aditya Moorthy

COVID-19 has ravaged the world in the past 18 months. The second wave in many countries was deadlier than the first. Mucormycosis, infamously labelled ‘the black fungus’ has affected some countries, such as India, in epidemic proportions within this COVID...

Ida Institute course makes tele-audiology easier and better

The COVID-19 pandemic provided hearing care professionals an opportunity to review the provision of hearing services. We hear from Lise Lotte Bundesen, Managing Director of the Ida Institute, about the potential of tele-audiology and how it can help to maintain...

Medicine and Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney grew up in the 1940s. Infectious diseases – diphtheria, poliomyelitis, mumps, measles and rubella – were rife. Stepping Stones recalled talk among older neighbours of ‘a-waiting on’ when they were close to death. Aunts and uncles succumbed to...

FDA grants Lenire tinnitus treatment device De Novo approval

Neuromod Devices Ltd. is proud to announce that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted De Novo approval to Lenire.

Type 2 diabetes and BPPV

Previous research has shown an association between BPPV and certain medical conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and type 1 diabetes. The authors in this retrospective observational study investigated the interaction between BPPV and type 2 diabetes by examining the ‘role...

Chronic rhinosinusitis management: back to the future?

Immunology is a dim and distant medical school memory to many ENT surgeons, but the increasingly complex immunology of chronic rhinosinusitis is fascinating (honestly!). Medical management options in CRS no longer just involves saline and steroids, and we need to...

German Society Annual Congress DGHNO-KHC 2024

The 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO-KHC) was a great success under the forward-looking motto ‘Crossing Borders’

Prof ED Kitcher

Much has been said of the paucity of ENT Services in Africa [1]. Whilst Ghana has always been at the forefront of healthcare in Sub Saharan Africa, its ENT and allied services were somewhat suboptimal in the 1980s. This article,...

Thyroid nodules in children

Whilst 5% of nodules in adults may harbour malignancy it is reported in this review that about a quarter of nodules may do so in children. Malignancies in this group are almost always well-differentiated subtypes of papillary, follicular and medullary...

Applying ‘Sal classification’ to parotid cytology to replicate the success of the Thy classification system

The usefulness of the Thy classification in thyroid gland disease has led to attempts to generate a similar cytology classification for parotid lesions. However, the accuracy of fine-needle aspiration cytology in salivary gland disease is more variable because of the...

Useful algorithm to manage adults with branchial cysts

Managing a solitary cystic lateral neck mass, specifically differentiating between a simple second branchial cyst and a metastatic cyst poses a challenge. Often the diagnosis only becomes apparent on the final histology. This paper analysed 28 adults that presented to...