You searched for "APD"

807 results found

ReSound One´s technology now available in Portugal

The Portuguese company, AudiçãoActiva, has recently launched the new Resound One in its network of shops.

GN to help millions of Americans with unaddressed hearing loss thanks to the new OTC hearing aid category

Following the release of the OTC hearing aid regulations by the FDA on Tuesday 16 August, GN have announced their support of the ambition to help more people access hearing aids.

Internet-based aural rehabilitation (IAR)

Rapid information technology development allows use of the internet in several areas. It is therefore not surprising that online rehabilitation programmes attract a large interest of researchers worldwide. This study aimed to analyse what participants’ experiences of IAR are. The...

Hearing aids or grommets for children with OME?

Otitis media with effusion is a highly prevalent condition in children and recurrence often occurs after surgical treatment with grommets. Repeated grommet insertion has its own problems of infection, perforation and scarring of the tympanic membranes, and continuity of providing...

Not to be underestimated

Equipment may differ, formulas and hearing aids alter, but I am in agreement with what this article points out: the test box can be considered a vastly under-used and under-appreciated piece of equipment. It can provide an alternative verification for...

Promotion of trust with adult hearing impairment in hearing healthcare

The goal of this study was to assess how trust is promoted among adult hearing impaired patients seeking hearing healthcare. Previous interview transcript data collected from 29 adults across hearing health care centres in four countries was re-analysed thematically in...

What happens to donated hearing aids?

According to the WHO, only 3% of people in developing countries who require hearing aids have one. Over the years many people, organisations and companies have donated old hearing aids to charities. Bhavisha Parmar, an audiologist who volunteered with Sound...

2024 Digital EUHA Spring Conference online until 31 May

After the successful kick-off of the Digital EUHA Spring Conference on 22 March 2024, all presentations are available online until the end of May. The programme includes 23 lectures covering research and science, practical application, marketing and communication, as well as the future of audiology.

Pharma chameleon

One morning in September ’95, about a month into my first house job on the South Coast of England, I emerged from the ridiculously early ward round on the coronary care unit feeling a bit dazed and therefore headed off...

Physiological mechanisms of hyperacusis: an update

Hyperacusis is a heterogeneous and complex clinical entity, and proposals about physiological mechanisms should reflect these issues. Ben Auerbach helps us navigate through present knowledge in this area, and proposes future directions for research. Hyperacusis is a debilitating hearing disorder...

Audiology in this issue...Connected Health in Audiology: The Future of Hearing Healthcare

Melanie Ferguson, PhD, Head of Audiological Science, National Acoustic Laboratories, Sydney, Australia. E: Twitter: @Mel_Ferguson1 Danielle Glista, PhD, Assistant Professor, The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University; National Centre for Audiology, Western University,...

The accidental audiologist

In this article we hear from Muhammed Ayas, an “accidental” audiologist applying his transferable skills as a clinician, academic, and researcher through trying and testing innovative approaches in audiology to better serve the community. My audiology journey began 22 years...