You searched for "psychology"

1032 results found

Misophonia – a psychological disorder?

Historically, there has been disagreement regarding misophonia classification, with questions surrounding whether it is a psychological or physiological disorder. Dr Jennifer Jo Brout discusses misophonia classification, research, and guidelines for the role of the psychologist. Photo courtesy of Pexels. What...

Diana Deutsch

Audiologists think about sound a lot. In fact, it is a bit of an occupational hazard. The majority of that time is usually devoted to thinking about sound in a purely functional sense (for example, adjusting a hearing aid to...

UK universities get £2.2m for aural diversity research

The University of Salford, in collaboration with Goldsmiths, University of London, has been awarded up to £2.2 million in funding for a groundbreaking initiative aimed at advancing research in hearing.

Accolade for hearing-loss experts

The ARO Pioneer Award in Basic Science for 2024 has been given to Dr Andrej Kral and Dr Stephen G Lomber in recognition of their fundamental work on understanding brain plasticity after hearing loss.

Scientific Foundations of Audiology: Perspectives from Physics, Biology, Modeling and Medicine

Scientific Foundations of Audiology – Perspectives from Physics, Biology, Modeling and Medicine is a unique textbook which discusses a wide range of state-of-the-art topics in hearing, vestibular and brain science. The editors purport that this book is geared towards doctoral...

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids, Second Edition

As you might expect from two authors of such stature, this book is extremely effective and well written. In form it is as close to a pop-science book as one could get while still being very much focussed for those...

Sandlin’s Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification: Technical and Clinical Considerations – Third Edition

This textbook is intended for graduate clinicians and scientists in audiology. It covers a broad range of topics over 20 chapters written by clinical and technical experts, most of whom are based in the US and Denmark, and the book...

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation Serving Children and Adults with Hearing Loss - Third Edition

As the name indicates, this book deals with the bread and butter of audiologists or at least what should be our bread and butter. We work with changing people in changing environments, therefore, along with an acute understanding of technology,...

MDT assessment of children and adults with implantable acoustic devices (IADs)

Abi Asher, Clinical Lead for the IAD programme in Cambridge describes how hearing care professionals work together to make the best recommendation for the patient, in turn helping navigate through the various devices now on offer. Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are...

The benefits of mindfulness for tinnitus

Mindfulness-based psychological therapy for tinnitus has, in recent times, been the subject of well-designed clinical research that demonstrated impressive benefits. Dr Liz Marks guides us through this field, and advocates for better access and availability of these techniques. Mindfulness can...

The power of the multidisciplinary team in paediatric cochlear implant assessment

Marette, Kate and Justine from the Birmingham Paediatric Centre give a detailed insight into how their team works together to assess children and young people for potential cochlear implantation. Cochlear implants and the specialist MDT The multidisciplinary team in cochlear...

Unilateral vocal cord mobility impairment and laryngopulmonary physiology

The concept of iatrogenic recurrent laryngeal nerve injury following thyroid surgery is often considered with respect to voice change but its potential impact on airway physiology has thus far not been evaluated. A cross-sectional observational study reviewed 21 patients with...