You searched for "olfactory"

680 results found

Earlier intervention to correct anosmia?

This is an interesting study aimed to determine the timing for successful surgical intervention in improving the sense of smell in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). A total of 86 CRSwNP patients with loss of smell and...

CRSwNP and smell – is it just the obstruction?

Anosmia and hyposmia are symptoms of CRS both with and without nasal polyps and can significantly affect quality of life. The nature of anosmia/hyposmia is thought to be both sensory-neural and conductive. These authors studied a mouse model in which...

Nasal polyps, does size matter?

This study from Germany investigates the correlation between nasal polyp size and return of olfactory function following endoscopic sinus surgery. Olfaction is affected more in patients with CRSwNP than with CRSsNP and the best chance of smell recovery occurs in...

Long-term results for dupilumab are very promising!

Eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (eCRS) is complicated by frequent early and aggressive recurrence of polyps after both medical and surgical treatment regimes. Dupilumab is an anti-IL-4/IL-3 receptor monoclonal antibody and has been previously studied in the SINUS-52 study, with an observation...

Does septoplasty improve smell?

This is a study from Barcelona on a very interesting topic: does septoplasty change sense of smell? The theory being that a deviated septum would prevent airflow to the olfactory region and once the anatomical obstruction has been relieved, that...

Smell training is also effective in older patients

Olfactory loss is a common problem with a significant impact on quality of life. It has been demonstrated that olfactory training (OT) improves olfactory function in younger patients, but this study focuses in on patients aged 45 years and older....

Olfaction in CRS

Conventional teaching tells us that hyposmia in chronic rhinosinusitis is due to mechanical obstruction of the olfactory cleft. But it might be that the story is slightly more complicated than that. Olfactory dysfunction is a common feature of chronic rhinosinusitis...

Management of smell and taste disorders – A practical guide for clinicians

This textbook with 240 pages is well laid out, very well illustrated including colour photographs and has excellent summary boxes at the end of individual sections. Up to one fifth of adults have some form of olfactory dysfunction and as...

The impact of rhino-sinusitis treatment on olfaction

This study included 28 adults prospectively enrolled between March 2011 and May 2013 into a non-randomised, multi-institutional cohort. Adults electing endoscopic sinus surgery experienced gains in olfaction comparable to adults electing continued medical management. The evidence in this study comparing...

Predictors of postoperative improvement after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

Improvement after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis varies considerably. If elaborate preoperative and intraoperative data could be used to predict the postoperative course, management and length of the follow-up could be adjusted to provide optimal care. Two...

Smell and mental health

This national survey from Korea asked questions about many aspects of health and one of these was about sense of smell. The prevalence of olfactory problems was 5% in the adult group surveyed, and other studies would suggest that this...

Improving smell outcomes after sinus surgery: impregnated dressings?

There is much we can do to improve the airway of patients with chronic sinus disease, especially those with polyps. However, the olfactory outcomes are usually disappointing and patients miss this important sensory modality, which has an effect on their...