You searched for "internet"

1347 results found

Privacy and security in connected hearing healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced audiology services across the globe to find new ways of working. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the uptake of remote care and, with it, some new privacy and security considerations. Connected hearing...

Integrating technology into audiological rehabilitation programmes

In the future, the rehabilitation of adults with hearing loss is likely to involve modern information technology. Using the Internet in the audiological rehabilitation process might be a cost-effective way to include additional rehabilitation components by guiding hearing aid users...

Chanter Biomed appointed as new UK distributor & service company for Entermed

Chanter Biomed are pleased to announce that they’ve been appointed as new UK distributor and service company for Entermed ENT equipment. Engineers have already travelled to Entermed’s headquarters in the Netherlands for product training, which included ENT units, scopes, chairs and electrosurgical equipment.

Using psychological behaviour change theory in vestibular practice

Fiona Barker explains the importance of recognising and understanding how habitual behaviours in vestibular patients can affect treatment outcomes, and how we as audiologists can support and encourage patients to modify these behaviours and perhaps address our own professional behaviours...

Why and how to assess digital literacy of older adults with hearing loss

Assessing digital literacy in older adults with hearing loss is vital for equitable care. The new DL-2Q tool quickly measures such skills, ensuring tailored support and better outcomes. Digital literacy and its importance When an older patient walks into your...

MICRONOMIC® III Good things do come in small packages!

Entermed’s budget-friendly Micronomic III is a compact workstation designed to accommodate every ENT surgeons’ basic requirements in tight conditions.

Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Some reflections on countertenors and castrati

The countertenor voice has seen a resurgence in popularity in the last 50 years. Nicholas Clapton is one of the foremost performers and teachers of his generation, and he tells us here about the link between countertenors and the (fortunately...

OBITUARY: James Milner Robinson (1937 - 2021)

James Milner Robinson FRCS, formerly a consultant otologist to Gloucester and Cheltenham hospitals, died peacefully on 3 November 2021 at the age of 84 after several years of ill-health. In keeping with his lifelong love of nature and care for...

Audiology in this issue...Psychology (May/Jun19)

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: Whether using ‘client centred counselling’ [1] when seeing adult hearing aid patients, employing motivational interviewing [2] during tinnitus consultations or considering the stages of...

Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology – Third Edition

This resource is useful for students and professionals in the audiology field. It is an updated collection of over 7000 defined audiology terms and includes clear, concise figures and a glossary of abbreviations and audiometric symbols. It seems to be...

Communication in the age of universal masking: speech-to-text apps to the rescue

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we interact with patients. At this point, it is almost hard to remember a time when we didn’t have to wear masks during clinical encounters. Though...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Hans Henrik Philipsen

So your background is in social research, how did you develop an interest in this area? I have always had an immense curiosity when it comes to understanding other people and other cultures. My early experience as a teenager in...