You searched for "inner ear"

71 results found

Team proves secure pathway to the inner ear

An international team of surgeons and scientists has, for the first time, validated safe surgical access to the central core of the human cochlea.

Implantation Otology & Inner Ear Therapeutics Issue I

To skip directly to features, click the links below: Welcome from the editor - by Prof Manohar Bance Industry News Genomic therapies for hearing loss - by Manohar Bance Cell-based therapies - by Jennifer Harre, Athanasia Warnecke, Hinrish Staecker, Eva...

4th Annual Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit

Terrri Gaskell, Chief Technology Officer, Rinri TherapueticsHeld in Boston, USA, this was an essential gathering that captured the growing excitement in both the biotech and clinical communities surrounding the rapid advancements in hearing loss therapies. With the potential to significantly...

59th Inner Ear Biology Workshop (IEB 2024) and 7th International Conference on Hyperacusis and Misophonia (ICHM7)

This September, two scientific meetings were held together in Warsaw, Poland: the 59th Inner Ear Biology Workshop and the 7th International Conference on Hyperacusis and Misophonia.

Diabetes and hearing loss: a review

As hearing health professionals we often ask, especially in older patients, if they have diabetes; but what is the link? How is it manifested and should it change current practice? Alec Lapira reviews the changing evidence. Early attempts to establish...

Allergy – what’s in a name?

Allergy is defined as an “abnormal immune reaction to an ordinarily harmless substance” [1], however the meaning of the word has taken many forms since its introduction in 1906 by Austrian Paediatrician and Immunologist, Clemens von Pirquet [2]. Combining his...

Globe Trotting and 62 years of ENT

Vasant Oswal was, for many years, ‘Mister ENT’ in the Northeast of England. Appointed as a consultant to the old North Riding Infirmary in 1970, he led what was a small and little-known department through a period of tumultuous change...

SONNET 3 – the next generation in hearing technology for ultimate user experiences

MED-EL has announced the new SONNET 3, its smallest and lightest behind-the-ear audio processor for cochlear implant users. Integrating cutting-edge technology to enhance hearing experiences, it is designed to deliver an exceptional hearing performance alongside the latest connectivity features -...

Effects of blast and acoustic trauma: assessment of hearing status on war veterans

Introduction Acoustical conditions of the military are often dangerous and there is a real risk of blast trauma and acoustic trauma [1, 2]. Levels of military noises maybe reach up to 125 dBA [3]. Weapons produce instant shock waves (10μs)...

What I look for at a conference (and why you should go to BACO 2023)

Professor Claire Hopkins has attended more than her fair share of international meetings, and she shares her top tips. COVID has changed the face of medical education forever – who would have thought only a few years ago that we...

How can we understand autism and autistic children better?

Andrew Whitehouse draws on his years of experience working with neurodiverse people to give a fantastic insight into the world of autism, as well as suggesting some simple strategies clinicians can use to improve communication with autistic people. How can...

The curse of Sports Illustrated

“Not a supernatural curse, but a basic statistical concept of blinding simplicity.” What is ‘regression to the mean’? I am reliably informed that our former North American colonies publish a periodical known as Sports Illustrated (note, incidentally, the characteristically incorrect...