You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

History of ENT - Freud's Friend, Fliess

Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin rhinologist, was for many years Sigmund Freud’s closest friend and confidant. He was born in Poland in 1858. In 1887, he visited Vienna for postgraduate studies, and met the famous psychoanalyst, Freud [1]. They were immediate...

Open septorhinoplasty approach for closure of medium sized septal perforations

Septal perforations are difficult problems to treat. There are various causes described in literature such as trauma, inflammatory, cocaine abuse but most often they are due to iatrogenic cause (such as septoplasty) or due to trauma. The symptoms due to...

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Some patients would like to alter the appearance of their nose without surgery or make further subtle changes after a rhinoplasty. Lydia Badia explains how this can be done, thanks to the advent of injectable fillers. This medical procedure in...

Locked or unlocked?

This systematic review and meta-analysis from the Netherlands evaluates postoperative complications of mandibular fractures using locking and non-locking systems. It is suggested that postoperative complications of surgical treatment of mandibular fractures occur in 20-26% of patients, and it is thought...

History of innovation in ENT

Innovation seems to have been in the strapline of every meeting, conference and course for the last few years. You would be forgiven for thinking it is a new a concept, but as Neil Weir beautifully details, innovation has been...

Red flags in the development of childhood speech and language

Problems of speech and language in early childhood can influence a child’s emotional development, academic prowess and quality of life. This article is a consensus report from the Netherlands describing 124 clinical signs and 34 red flags of atypical speech...

Unravelling the mystery of hyperacusis with pain

When a person says that sound causes them pain, how can we understand this, and determine what processes are involved? Bryan Pollard navigates us through what is presently known. Pain has long been underrepresented – and often, completely overlooked –...

MedTech Company KARL STORZ Acquires British AI Specialist Innersight Labs

The family-owned MedTech company KARL STORZ announces the acquisition of the innovative software manufacturer Innersight Labs Ltd. (ISL) headquartered in London.

Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy

Epiphora, or abnormal tearing, occurs because of blockage in the lacrimal drainage system, which impairs normal tear channeling into the nose. Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is used to treat patients diagnosed with lacrimal sac or nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO). External DCR was...

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - Part 2

In the first of this two-part series, Martyn Barnes and colleagues discussed indications for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the surgical objectives and techniques, patient expectations and the risks of surgery [1]. In this second and final part, the authors...

Standardising outcome measures in chronic rhinosinusitis

This international paper, involving the foremost rhinology departments worldwide aims to provide a standardised, agreed core outcome set for chronic rhinosinusitis, which has been designed to facilitate future meta analyses of published work in systematic reviews. Stakeholders included patients, ENT...

Rhinoplasty for the cleft lip and palate patient

The cleft nose is one of the most challenging pathologies for rhinologists and facial plastic surgeons to address. The combination of architectural deformity (related to the extent of lip deformity) and scarring from previous surgery combine to cause the surgical...