You searched for "AAA"

182 results found

Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology and Management – Third Edition

Our departmental library has a copy of the first edition of this text, and on the odd occasion it’s not booked out to a student, it makes a very handy reference text to dip in and out of. Having recently...

SpeechEasy® for stuttering

In this article, the authors describe their experiences with an altered auditory feedback (AAF) device: SpeechEasy® during a random clinical trial. AAF has been reported in other laboratory studies to reduce stuttering events without influencing the rate, intensity or frequency...

The importance of s-ABR in auditory disorders

S-ABR is a method of recording speech-evoked-potentials, but where does it fit in the clinical and research test battery? Here, the authors examine the opportunities for s-ABR. The integrity of the neural transmission of acoustic stimuli is evaluated by auditory...

Fundamentals of AAC – A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication

A comprehensive text that will appeal to speech and language therapists at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate through to seasoned professionals working directly in the field. Despite there being 64 contributors (mostly from the US), the editors have...

Harnessing technology for the benefit of children with significant communication difficulties

This article describes future needs in provision and research in the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) aids for children with significant communication difficulties. The authors highlight the needs of users and the opportunities that technology could provide in...

Bespoke is best for children with communication difficulties

Children with communication difficulties can benefit from augmentative alternative communication (AAC) aids to support them in daily interaction, as well as in developing milestones. One of the most difficult aspects of choosing a device is not only meeting the child’s...

Talking through technology – keeping up with the mainstream

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system development has often made early use of innovative technology. Touch screens have been a part of this technology for some time. In fact, touch screens were invented in 1965 but it wasn’t until the...

How can disabled children communicate more during family leisure time?

This article aims to provide guidance on how to integrate alternative augmentative communication (AAC) use into family leisure time. The authors highlight that ensuring the use of AAC in this highly valued activity can maximise carryover to real conversations. The...

British Academy of Audiology Position Statement

The British Academy of Audiology (BAA) has released a position statement on the future of NHS Adult Hearing Loss Management. The Board of Directors’ position is that audiology services must be free at the point of access for everyone who...

Audiology in this issue...Women in Leadership

Priya Carling, AuD, Director and Consultant Audiologist,Kent Hearing Ltd, UK. E: Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist,The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: Twitter: @griffithsbrown1 I am going to start off this editorial by clarifying that...

Dr Marion Pfaender Down

“Dr Marion P Downs, an innovator in the field of paediatric audiology and a tireless advocate for the early identification of hearing loss, passed away on November 13, 2014. During her exemplary career at the University of Colorado Health Sciences...

BAA Awards 2020

In a year with a whole new set of challenges for everyone, the BAA Award nominations show the continued difference people make to both patients' and colleagues’ lives. The BAA 2020 Award winners are as follows: BAA Student of the...