You searched for "Wounds"

2333 results found

ENT in this issue...Women in Leadership

Sujana S Chandrasekhar, MD, Past President, AAO-HNS/F; Secretary-Treasurer, American Otological Society; Consulting Editor, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America; Recipient, AAO-HNS WIO Helen Krause Trailblazer Award and AMA Physician Mentor Recognition Award. Emma Stapleton Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base...

Embracing deafness and the silent world

Brian Kokoruwe shares his journey from growing up during civil war in Nigeria to becoming Director of Deaf UK Athletics and a published author. While I am active in the Deaf BSL community, involved in Deaf sports and the Government...

In conversation with the editors of European Archives of ORL-HNS

The journal European Archives of ORL-HNS (EAORL) is a truly pan-European endeavour and has been hugely successful. With an Impact Factor (IF) of 2.6, it is now on a par with Laryngoscope. We spoke to some of the senior editors...

In conversation with the editors of European Archives of ORL-HNS

The journal European Archives of ORL-HNS (EAORL) is a truly pan-European endeavour and has been hugely successful. With an Impact Factor (IF) of 2.6, it is now on a par with Laryngoscope. We spoke to some of the senior editors...

The future of audiology rehabilitation? Smartphone apps to collect real-world experiences and support clinical decision-making

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is gaining momentum in the world of connected hearing healthcare and real-world assessment. Barbra Timmer explains how EMA will play a key role in transforming the information that clinicians use in decision-making and measuring outcomes. Did...

Why and how to assess digital literacy of older adults with hearing loss

Assessing digital literacy in older adults with hearing loss is vital for equitable care. The new DL-2Q tool quickly measures such skills, ensuring tailored support and better outcomes. Digital literacy and its importance When an older patient walks into your...

History of ESPO

Martin Bailey, Secretary-General of ESPO, narrates the story of a society which has promoted and supported the development of paediatric otolaryngology in Europe. In the early 1950s, pioneers in paediatric otorhinolaryngology became active in European countries such as Poland, Hungary,...

HPV and ENT; should we vaccinate boys?

David Black and Charlie Hall reiterate Vin Paleri’s pleas for a common sense evidence-based approach by those who allocate healthcare resources to the now urgent issue of HPV-related disease. They discuss the merits of different vaccines and the need for...

What does an Olympic medal and surgery have in common?

Competing against female Eastern Bloc athletes in the 1980s was a thankless task, demanding a mulish tenacity in an often futile cause. Ideal preparation for a career in surgery? My path to medicine was unusual, in that I left school...

Aerosol research and performance

Is singing safe? This was a question asked around the world at the start of the pandemic in early 2020. Natalie Watson and Chris Orton tell us about a rapidly-convened research group that led to profound changes in UK Government...

Access to and uptake of cochlear implants in the UK

Assessing demands on cochlear implant (CI) services is very important for both commissioners and clinicians in anticipating clinical need and funding requirements. Commercial CI’s were introduced in the late 1980s. Initial funding was from charitable sources. The first major advance...

In Memoriam: Charles I. Berlin, PhD

Dr Charles “Chuck” Berlin was an international guiding star in hearing research and clinical audiology for over 50 years. He was a renowned scientist, mentor, teacher, clinician, colleague, accomplished musician, and friend to hundreds of colleagues from around the world....