You searched for "taste"

1192 results found

Redeployment of audiologists during COVID-19

As the demand on intensive therapy units in the NHS increased, volunteers from the audiology profession stepped in to support colleagues. Here, they share their experiences of caring on the frontline. Redefining normal: from outpatients to the ICU By Emilee...

Basic Audiometry Learning Manual - Second Edition

The challenge of teaching students pure tone audiometry is that whilst core principles can be delivered in the classroom, a deeper understanding of audiological testing only arises from practice. Yet, if left unguided in this practice, trainee audiologists can fail...

‘What was I talking about?’ Memory and discourse in language impairment

This article discusses the function of the three theoretical components of working memory and their influence on discourse (the phonological assembly, the visuo-spatial sketchpad and the episodic buffer). The authors emphasise that the buffer is the key conceptual component responsible...

Parental role in childhood speech disorder intervention

Several studies have indicated that parents play an effective role in the management of early communication disorders like stuttering and language delay in children, especially when they are supported by clinicians. This comprehensive review attempted to study published literature regarding...

Falls and ASL users

A mixed-method pilot study was carried out to assess the cognitive load of sign language among users and, consequently, the possible risk of injurious falls. The study specifically investigated the possible risk of falls due to the simultaneous activity of...

Microgravity: an extreme environment for otolith organs

Motion sickness in a car can be upsetting for all involved. Transferring this concept into a tiny cabin bound for space could have devastating consequences. Are the processes involved in ‘space motion sickness’ the same as motion sickness? How do...

The vestibular system is not immune to chronic otitis media

It is well recognised that chronic otitis media (COM) is a risk factor for sensorineural hearing loss. Studies on the effect of COM on vestibular function have been beset by design biases. The authors designed a case control study to...

2020 Unmasked - By Vedika Dhunnoo

Over decades, humankind has vied to reach new heights of development. Yet, despite the unparalleled advances, in this frenzy, mankind has lost itself. 2020 marks the turning point; the year that unmasked the lessons of the past, the ones forgotten...

Reducing pulse rate in videofluoroscopy: less is not best!

Recently, there has been increasing discussion in clinical meetings about the use of ionising radiation in swallowing assessments and the associated cancer risks. This is therefore a timely publication to inform discussions around whether reducing pulse rate from 30 pulses...

Tonsillectomies are a pain in the neck!

You thought tonsilitis was bad? Having your tonsils removed, now that’s a hard pill to swallow. Very well, you’ll no longer have to fear the CENTOR, but how do we make recovery as pain-free as possible? Pantabtim and colleagues set...

The history of person-centred hearing care

In the World Report on Hearing, launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 3 March 2021, the use of person-centred care is highly recommended. In this article, we learn about the history of person-centred healthcare and hearing care. But...

Mentally and physically safe workplaces: the challenge of doctors’ well-being

Our ENT consultant colleague Eric Levi bravely tackles the very real elephant in the room of that stigma which is not really discussed until it is often too late. It takes courage to tackle a difficult topic like doctors’ mental...