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375 results found

The ear, nose and throat anaesthesia practice of Dr John Snow (1813-58)

News of the first successful public demonstration of general anaesthesia in Boston, Massachusetts in October 1846 reached Britain in mid-December of that year. James Robinson, a London dentist, gave the first anaesthetic in the United Kingdom when, on 19 December,...

Reflected glory: the race to claim the laryngeal mirror

“None of today’s young doctors can start to imagine the feeling of professional helplessness and despair that prevailed before the invention of the laryngeal mirror. Thousands of people died, whom we were not able to help, or even bring relief...

ENT in Ethiopia: Aksum-Barts Partnership

In keeping with many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia has a chronic lack of hospitals and doctors. Nadia Ashraf and Tim Crocker-Buqué tell us about a project which aims to improve training in ENT, in a hospital that has...

Bringing ear care and hearing services to the hardest to reach: the potential of primary healthcare workers

Can workers from the local community plug the workforce gap in providing ear and hearing care? Bringing ear and hearing care services closer to the community remains a key component of reducing the burden of ear and hearing conditions across...

Bringing ear care and hearing services to the hardest to reach: the potential of primary healthcare workers

Can workers from the local community plug the workforce gap in providing ear and hearing care? Bringing ear and hearing care services closer to the community remains a key component of reducing the burden of ear and hearing conditions across...

New global alliance brings hearing care to people in 14 developing countries

A global project from MED-EL will provide access to new ear and hearing care services for almost 100,000 people living with undiagnosed and untreated hearing loss in developing and emerging countries around the world.

CEORL-HNS observership travel grants

The Confederation of European ORL-HNS has announced a set of grants and scholarships for 2024.

Airway stenting in paediatric ENT

Although experience in the use of airway stents in adults is considerable, their use in children is more recent and more limited. Cláudia Schweiger and Michael J Rutter provide an overview of stents and their use in paediatric airway. Stenting...

Why does music move us? Music as auditory signals of emotion

Music forms an integral part of the lives of people in all known cultures around the world. In this article Dr Sandra Garrido explains that in fact, our response to music is largely innate and is related to the evolutionary...

Physician illness

Getting in the zone, recognising our personal stress limits and looking after ourselves are vital components in our efforts to stay healthy advises Abbie Lane, after almost a generation of de-stressing others. They say a rugby player like Brian O’Driscoll...

Cognitive function is preserved in episodic vestibular disorders

Cognitive deficit in bilateral vestibular failure in particular, but also in unilateral vestibular failure, is well documented. The authors designed this prospective study to determine if deficits in cognition, as well as anxiety and depression, were present in episodic vestibular...

Which bit of our brains do we need to recognise fear, disgust and happiness?

Recognising other people’s emotions is a useful life skill for human interaction in both social and vocational situations. Yet there remains significant debate about which areas of the brain are required to enable us to read and understand these facial...