You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Diagnostic Audiology Pocket Guide: Evaluation of Hearing, Tinnitus, and Middle Ear Function

The Diagnostic Audiology Pocket Guide, as advertised, fits into a pocket. Albeit a larger one. This textbook takes the reader on a brief journey through routine diagnostic audiology testing procedures, including some less performed tests such as wide-band acoustic immittance...

Rapid Audiogram Interpretation: A Clinician’s Manual

This book is a manual and a workbook to systematically understand and interpret an audiogram for those who are new to audiometry such as residents, trainees and students. It is a worthy reference guide even to well-established practising clinicians. The...

Old age is hard to swallow

This article takes us through the diagnosis and management of swallowing problems common in older age. As our global population continues to grow and live longer, dysphagia will continue to be a global problem which needs to be recognised, understood...

Dysphagia in complex laryngology – maintaining the balance

These authors from the speech and language therapy department at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, describe their view of a patient-centred approach to managing dysphagia in complex laryngology. Careful consideration of the balance of airway, voice and swallow, which is...

Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery

This book provides a detailed evidence-based overview of key topics in otolaryngology, including other specialities such as facial plastics and reconstructive surgery, the oral cavity and immunology. Each chapter begins with a short comprehensive list of key points, and finishes...

The Auditory System: Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Correlates: Second Edition

This book details the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, with well-balanced coverage of the peripheral and central nervous systems, and an emphasis on clinical applications of the scientific theory. The clinical correlates make for very interesting reading, often...

Role of non-echo planar diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in detection of cholesteatoma

Whilst the method of canal wall down and same-session reconstruction is emerging to be more popular, canal wall up procedures are still performed. In either, it is necessary to ensure eradication of cholesteatoma or detect its recurrence. The reliability of...

COVID-19 in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps. Are they at risk?

COVID-19 entry factors are highly present in nasal epithelial cells. These factors include ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Their presence in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) was not investigated before. Authors investigated expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in two...

Evidence-based clinical education

All healthcare professionals participate in education of students in both their own and other disciplines. It is part of our role and we are often used to squeezing it in and around our clinical responsibilities. In fact, the events during...

Scott-Brown’s Essential Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

The three-volume Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery is arguably the definitive encyclopaedia of ENT. Its comprehensive nature, however, limits its utility when preparing for examinations. The authors, in creating an “essential” version, have managed to produce an ideal textbook...

Non-surgical and surgical management of arytenoids granuloma

Arytenoid granulomas are often a sequelae of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Unless there is suspicion of malignancy, they require a very balanced approach between conservative management and surgical intervention. The authors present a series of 62 patients with whom the primary...

Tricky post-laryngectomy swallows

Despite improvements in chemoradiation therapy and the adoption of organ preservation for some head and neck cancers, total laryngectomy remains the treatment often providing best survival chances for advanced laryngeal cancer. This article reviews the causes of dysphagia post-laryngectomy and...