You searched for "cortical"

2371 results found

Hearing loss and cognition: something to think about

Irace, Chern and Golub propose causal and non-causal mechanisms for the links between hearing loss and dementia, concluding with a discussion of several proactive measures available to help preserve neurocognitive health in older adults with hearing loss. What is age-related...

Portable otoscopy image capture devices – a comparative review

The use of photo documentation in ENT clinics is becoming more common as technological advances have made the hardware required more accessible. There is significant variation in the price of products. Daniel Moualed, Olivia Whiteside and Chris Aldren review the...

RNID’s campaign to restore NHS earwax removal services in the UK

Wax removal in the UK has become a topic of intense discussion. Here, Crystal Rolfe discusses the RNID’s findings and approach to tackling the issue. Earwax build-up can cause painful and distressing symptoms – a 2022 RNID survey found people...

This surgeon learned the power of Twitter / Twitter: an ENT surgeon’s perspective

This surgeon learned the power of Twitter I was once Australia’s most followed surgeon on Twitter, according to my dear wife. She was probably right, as always. I had more than 3,700 followers on my account, but very few people...

Outreach to build capacity for surgical ear care in low-resource settings: challenges and opportunities

There are successful models for delivering complex ear surgery where resources may be more limited. Ear, nose and throat conditions are frequently overlooked when global health issues are considered, but hearing loss is the world’s most common sensory deficit, and...

Life Down Under: an overview of the Sydney Endoscopic Ear Fellowship

As we emerge from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the first half of 2020, trainee colleagues will be looking to their future once again. Options may include fellowships, and we are delighted to have Dr Andrew Ma share...

Outreach to build capacity for surgical ear care in low-resource settings: challenges and opportunities

There are successful models for delivering complex ear surgery where resources may be more limited. Ear, nose and throat conditions are frequently overlooked when global health issues are considered, but hearing loss is the world’s most common sensory deficit, and...

Cochlear implantation in Tanzania: the journey and the outcomes

It is estimated that over 400 million people worldwide live with disabling hearing loss, 39.9 million of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa [1]. This article by Dr Aveline Kahinga and Mr Ali Jaffer demonstrates the effort that has been made...

Identity: does it affect the training experience?

Our identity can be influenced by many factors, both internal and external to ourselves. One may say that if one has not had to consider one’s own identity at any time, perhaps that in itself is a privilege? Equally, one...

Audiology in this issue...Psychology (May/Jun19)

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: Whether using ‘client centred counselling’ [1] when seeing adult hearing aid patients, employing motivational interviewing [2] during tinnitus consultations or considering the stages of...

ENT in this issue...Anaesthetics and ENT

Nick Crombie, BMedSci BMBS FRCA FIMC RCSEd RCPathME, Associate Medical Director (Governance); Consultant Trauma Anaesthetist; Honorary Researcher, National Institute for Health Research SRMRC: Clinical Lead for Resuscitation Services, QEHB, UK. E: Plastic surgeons think we do endless crosswords. Orthopaedic...

Audiology in this issue...The Weird World of Science

Gareth Smith, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: Twitter: @garethlsmith In this edition, I’ve taken rather an editor’s privilege in exploring outside of our mainstays in audiology and widened the field to consider acoustics more widely...