You searched for "Asian"

4084 results found

Core or fine needle assessment in lymphadenopathy and salivary gland tumours

This paper from the Republic of Korea analyses 278 patients retrospectively, 112 of which underwent fine need aspiration and 166 core needle biopsies. Eleven patients had indeterminate fine needle aspiration cytology, six of whom had an additional core biopsy. The...

Maxillomandibular advancement for sleep apnoea

This is a meta-analysis compiled from India. Of the initial 103 publications, 20 were analysed. Surgical cure was defined as postsurgical AHI of fewer than five events per hour. Of the 251 patients assessed for AHI, 12 were considered normal,...

Do you know what aphasia is?

In 2001 a survey was conducted in a number of towns across the world, including Exeter in the UK, to identify the level of awareness and knowledge of aphasia in the community. Aphasia is difficulty in producing or understanding language...

Pedicle calcification – an uncommon problem

This paper from Germany describes an uncommon phenomenon of pedicle calcification in three cases. In patients from two centres that had fibula free flap reconstruction from January 2010 to January 2016, 68 cases had pedicle calcification and three cases were...

Differences between paediatric and adult cholesteatomas

An understanding of the differences between adult and paediatric cholesteatomas should be helpful in more effective management of the disease in children. In this study, the authors focused their comparison between paediatric and adult cholesteatomas to the operative findings, rates...

The relevance of rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty from the commissioners

The rising costs of running the National Health Service and its overburdened resources has led to the constant monitoring of the low clinical value treatments. The operations of rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty inevitably fall into this group and are subject to...

A new criterion for diagnosing chronic tonsillitis?

It is essential to establish the diagnosis of recurrent tonsillitis in patients undergoing tonsillectomy. This is based mainly on history which itself can be inaccurate and is supported by clinical findings which are not truly specific. There seems to be...

Peripheral nerve reconstruction using cell-enhanced acellular nerve grafts

Autologous nerve grafts are the current gold standard for peripheral nerve reconstruction. This systematic review analyses the role of cell-enhanced acellular nerve (ANA) grafts on the regeneration of peripheral nerve injuries. Several studies have been published to examine alternatives to...

Perioperative management of the head and neck cancer patient

The perioperative care of patients with head and neck cancer is complex and requires significant preoperative planning and patient education. The issues include analgesia, antibiotics, stoma and wound care, general and chest physiotherapy, thromboprophylaxis and nutrition. This article provides a...

Dispelling the myths around stuttering and bilingualism

There are many myths around language development in bilingual children, and an increased risk of stuttering in bilingual children is one of these misperceptions. In research studies, speech and language therapists have identified higher numbers of dysfluencies in speech samples...

Zinc and rhinosinusitis

Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in general, and those with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in particular, have been shown to have down-regulation of tight junction genes. Zinc, on the other hand, is well-known for its role in immune regulation and deficiency...

A novel way to reduce postoperative nausea and vomiting

This is an interesting RCT which evaluates the prophylactic effect of bilateral endoscopic injection of local anaesthetic in the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). It has a robust design, and is sufficiently powered and blinded, with...