You searched for "sound"

3067 results found

How well do different assessments of swallowing correlate with one another?

Swallowing (dys)function may be assessed by three key measures: 1. instrumental swallowing techniques such as the modified barium swallow (MBS) or videofluoroscopy; 2. functional measures of diet texture that patients can eat comfortably (usually rated by the clinician); and 3....

Associated findings in MRI used for detecting acoustic neuroma

Presently, gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is the ‘gold standard’ for investigating acoustic neuroma. There are often ‘incidental’ findings that may or may not be significant. In this study of 109 scans, the authors noted an uptake of 0.9% for...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Hans Henrik Philipsen

So your background is in social research, how did you develop an interest in this area? I have always had an immense curiosity when it comes to understanding other people and other cultures. My early experience as a teenager in...

Reducing hierarchy for individuals and teams across ENT

Alexander Pope said that “to err is human”, but medical errors can have serious consequences. How can better communication minimise the risk of them occurring in the first place? Allowing all members of the surgical team to feel empowered to...

Anaesthesia for sleep nasendoscopy and snoring / obstructive sleep apnoea surgery

Surgery for sleep disordered breathing inevitably requires surgeon and anaesthetist to share the airway. Here, Edward Bick gives us the anaesthetic viewpoint, reiterating that communication is the key. A specific note is made of the anaesthetic technique for sleep nasendoscopy,...

Current management of unilateral sporadic vestibular schwannoma

Vestibular schwannoma is the commonest tumour of the cerebellopontine angle (80%) and accounts for around 8% of all intracranial tumours. The commonest primary presenting symptoms are audio vestibular. Hearing health professionals are often the first contact for patients with potential symptoms of vestibular schwannoma, with the majority then being seen and diagnosed by otorhinolaryngologists.

Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of refractory chronic rhinosinusitis

Staphylococcus aureus has long been linked to chronic rhinosinusitis, particularly recalcitrant cases. In this article, Alkis Psaltis describes how newer techniques have shown higher rates of S. aureus infection than were previously thought, and explains how the bacteria are able...

Public health planning for hearing impairment (2017)

In 2009 Professor Andrew Smith and Dr Daksha Patel identified the need for awareness of public health methods in hearing healthcare planning. In 2010 the first training course was held, and since then 760 health workers from 41 countries have...

Swallow this: management of dysphagia post-stroke

We know that between 50% and 80% of people who have had a stroke present with swallowing difficulties that may be associated with even a small lesion of the cortical or subcortical brain regions. This article provides an up-to-date overview...

Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia

This is a very nicely written overview of this difficult condition by two expert rhinologists with a tertiary practice. The genetic basis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, natural history and available management options are all discussed. Clearly there is a large spectrum of...

Temporal bone drilling using artificial versus cadaveric specimens - does the specimen precipitate altered drilling techniques?

Hochman et al set an ambitious goal in their study analysing drilling strokes of eight otolaryngology residents (junior: PGY 1-3; senior: PGY 4-5) during temporal bone (TB) drilling practice using cadaveric and artificial specimens. Each trainee dissected one cadaveric and...

Audiology research: opportunities, career progression and leadership

A career in research can, at first glance, seem far removed from the clinical world of audiology but is that really the case? In this article Melanie Ferguson explains the role of translational research in bridging this gap, as well...