You searched for "trust"

781 results found

Beyond ‘sticky floors’ and glass ceilings’: eight women department and society leaders share their stories

In the United States and Canada, there have been a total of 12 women otolaryngologists who have achieved high positions of leadership. Eight of these women were interviewed for this piece. Each woman’s responses were thoughtful and truthful. Common themes...

Rotational chair testing: “To rotate, or not to rotate, that is the real question”

Passive whole body rotation tests are widely considered to be the ‘gold standard’ for the identification of bilateral peripheral vestibular disorders (bPVD), but also have a part to play in identifying unilateral disorders (uPVD). In this article Paul Radomskij discusses...

Congratulations on being elected BRS President

Mr Raj Bhalla has been elected next President of the British Rhinological Society following a recent vote by the membership. He works as a Consultant Rhinologist at both Manchester Royal Infirmary and Salford Royal Hospital. He will take up...

Reconstruction with scapular tip following hemimaxillectomy and rehabilitation with dental implants

Post ablative defects in the maxilla can be extremely complex, involve all three dimensions and may result in significant morbidity. Rehabilitation may be difficult with either an obturator or surgical reconstruction with a free fibula, Iliac crest or scapula. This...

Managing the most common branchial arch anomaly

This article is a well written, helpful summary of the management of the most common branchial anomaly in children – the second. These are characterised as cysts, sinuses or tracts between the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid, coursing between the internal...


An article that elicits a wry smile from the reader is worth drawing attention to particularly in the winter months. This account of brave self-experimentation is unlikely to lead to a future Nobel prize but nonetheless reinforces the important principle...

The TWJ Foundation in the UK

For nearly 50 years, the TWJ has made awards ranging from international fellowships in research and education to support for training and smaller grants for otology-related activities.

ESPO Marseille 2020

The biennial ESPO meetings have established themselves as the premier forum for paediatric otolaryngologists to share their knowledge and research. Hardly has ESPO Stockholm finished, and plans are already underway for ESPO 2020. Jean-Michel Triglia and Richard Nicollas and tell...

Birmingham 2020 – think big, think BACO

When Richard Irving and Ann-Louise McDermott made their successful bid to host BACO 2020 in Birmingham, they knew it had far more going for it than the International Conference Centre! Lucy Dalton tells us a little more about the attractions...

European Laryngological Society (ELS) meets British Laryngological Association (BLA)

The meeting of the European Laryngological Society in May is being held in London, and is co-hosted by the British Laryngological Association. The President of the ELS, Ricard Simo, and the Secretary of the BLA, Declan Costello, exchanged thoughts about...

The British Laryngological Association and Industry

In 2011 British laryngologists Martin Birchall and Guri Sandhu, assisted by ENT SpR Chad Al Yagachi, organised the first highly successful three-day international ‘Cutting-Edge Laryngology for the 21st Century’ conference at the Royal College of Surgeons in London. The Kenes...

Advances in diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis

This article reviews advances in the diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis. Recent advances in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis include testing of local immunoglobulin E (IgE), urinary test to diagnose aspirin hypersensitivity and optical rhinometry to assess degree of...