You searched for "headphones"

208 results found

Running a post-COVID smell clinic

Over the past year, much of our effort as a speciality has been directed towards crisis management and keeping services afloat. Our practice has changed in untold ways, but unprecedented numbers of patients with smell disorders will increasingly require our...

Long-term outcomes of children and young people with cochlear implants

Introduction Profound childhood hearing loss has a huge impact on early communication skills, the acquisition of spoken language, and hence on educational attainments and employment prospects. Over the centuries, educators of the deaf attempted to overcome the challenge by using...

Hearing loss in the workplace

It is probably accurate to say that most jobs today can be effectively performed by people who have hearing loss. In this article Dr Sam Trychin outlines some of the major issues which should be considered in regard to hearing...

Development of a new negative-pressure ventilatory support device: Exovent

The pandemic has driven innovation in ways that we have not seen for many decades. Intensive care medicine and ENT have been at the forefront of these advances, and our good friends David Howard (never one to put his feet...