You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Patient positioning for transnasal flexible laryngoscopy

The position of a patient’s head during flexible nasendoscopy to visualise the larynx does not usually require much consideration – adequate views are almost always obtained with a patient sitting in a neutral position. Occasionally however, there will be patients...

App-solute relief: tackling tinnitus with your smartphone

The sound experienced by individuals with tinnitus can vary to a huge extent. It can range from a mild occasional ringing to a constant, loud noise causing disruption to daily life and sleep. Reassuringly, tinnitus is rarely a sign of...

Vestibular migraine – the story so far and the work still to do

This interesting discussion paper begins with an overview of the background to the development of vestibular migraine as a separate diagnostic category. It discusses in some depth the diagnostic uncertainties in the context of an entity without a biomarker and...

Otolaryngology Cases: The University of Cincinnati Clinical Portfolio 2nd Edition

Otolaryngology Cases is a collection of 100 clinical scenarios curated by three professors of otolarnygology in Cincinatti, Ohio. The cases are distributed throughout the breadth of otolaryngology topics and comprise a patient history, key points for the condition, investigations and...

Screening for hearing loss in primary care

Hearing impairment is one physical disability that is increasing in prevalence in society in general, and in older adults in particular. Approximately 34 to 36 million Americans report suffering from some degree of hearing impairment with the number rising to...

Towards AI-assisted RF hearing aids

The development of effective hearing-assistive devices is essential as the prevalence of deafness grows with an ageing population. Where can AI support speech understanding? A team from the University of Glasgow discusses how lip‑reading hearing aids could be the future....

Electrocochleography and cochlear implants programming

Cochlear implants (CIs) often are the only option for people with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss to be able to hear. Therefore, effective CI programming seems very important, especially in children who are still developing their speech. Using acoustic...

Talking through technology – keeping up with the mainstream

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system development has often made early use of innovative technology. Touch screens have been a part of this technology for some time. In fact, touch screens were invented in 1965 but it wasn’t until the...

Adult hearing screening: consideration for a holistic model

Background Adult-onset hearing impairment is a highly prevalent and undertreated chronic problem that poses a significant burden of disease worldwide [1]. It is usually gradual and diagnosed and managed approximately 10 years after adults have first experienced hearing difficulties [2]....

Dysphagia in complex laryngology – maintaining the balance

These authors from the speech and language therapy department at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, describe their view of a patient-centred approach to managing dysphagia in complex laryngology. Careful consideration of the balance of airway, voice and swallow, which is...

Diagnosing persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

The authors, part of an influential committee of experts of the Bárány Society, proposed this consensus document after reviewing 30 years of research on phobic postural vertigo, space-motion discomfort, visual vertigo, and chronic subjective dizziness. They also reviewed interesting historical...

Current perspectives of tinnitus and its management

Whilst there are various therapeutic options for ameliorating the impact of tinnitus, there is no current approved treatment for attempting to eradicate, or even for reducing, the loudness of tinnitus.