You searched for "snoring"

2715 results found

Audiology in this issue...Autism

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: alex.griffiths-brown@nhs.netTwitter: @griffithsbrown1 As audiology professionals, we will work with a wide variety of patients with different priorities, life experiences and challenges. Patients with autism spectrum...

Monitored safe medical practice: minimising patient harm will reduce medical negligence bill for the NHS

Patrick Bradley ruminates on a celebrated career in ENT head and neck surgery and suggests that increasing the possibility of positive outcomes to contemporary patient safety initiatives by the NHS must involve efforts to develop an enthusiastic contented workforce willing...

Comprehensive Management of Swallowing Disorders – Second Edition

On first glimpse this 548-page A4 book looked like it was going to be a nightmare to review, but once I started reading, I was pleasantly surprised. This is the second edition of this American book with the first edition...

The effect of adenotonsillectomy on the immune system

Parents often ask about the effect of adenotonsillectomy on the immune system, with concerns that the child may be prone to more infections postoperatively due to the absence of immune tissue. This Belgian literature review looked at the local and...

Why do septoplasties fail?

If you are amongst the ones who wonder what keeps your patient blocked in spite of a reasonable septoplasty, it will be worth your time going through the chapter on nasal valve management. The concise table detailing the surgical techniques...

OBITUARY: Professor Heinz Stammberger (1946-2018)

We, at ENT & Audiology News, have just learned of the death of Professor Heinz Stammberger on 9 December. Within the global ENT community, there can be few people whose names are as well-known as his, and his loss will...

Recent advances in the diagnosis of silent reflux

The vexed topic of reflux always generates much discussion, particularly when it comes to testing. We hear about a non-invasive assay that is gaining in popularity. Voice disorders impact around four percent of the UK population and can significantly hamper...

Vocal cord paralysis: an update

The management of unilateral vocal cord paralysis has changed in the last few years: this has largely come about as a result of improvements in technology, meaning that medialisations are quicker and easier to perform than previously. This article will...

Neurological idiopathic disease: a shared journey for NASA and medicine

Whilst Southampton can’t really be described as an extreme environment, experiments carried out in the city have certainly been taken out of this world. Robert Marchbanks discusses one of the associations between Southampton, The International Space Station and tympanic membrane...

The EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR)

Back in May 2017, the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR 2017/745) entered into force, replacing existing directives: Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMD) In-vitro Diagnostic Directive (IVDD) Medical Device Directive (MDD) By 26 May 2020, the new regulation will have completed...

Coblation for laryngeal granulomas

Laryngeal granulomas remain notorious for their tendency to recur after surgical removal. Although high rates of complete remission have been reported with use of the potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser, this equipment is expensive and not available in all units performing ENT...

Live versus e-learning – which is the most effective communication training approach for health care staff?

If staff are unable to communicate with their patients this can impact negatively on the patient’s healthcare. They may be excluded from decisions about their own care and their rights to informed consent may be violated. Conversation partner training has...