You searched for "surgeons"

2090 results found

Supporting music listening through cochlear implant services – experience from a UK adult clinic on supporting musical engagement

The perception and enjoyment of music is central to many people’s lives. Harriet Crook (herself a cochlear implant recipient) tells us about important work in this area for people using hearing aids and CIs. There is now a wealth of...

RSM ‘Otology Dragon’s Den’

The Royal Society of Medicine Otology Section recently held an ‘Otology Dragon’s Den’ event. Following on from our interview with Professor Gerry O’Donoghue, RSM Otology Section President, in the run-up to this event, we interviewed Steve Broomfield, Consultant Otologist in...

Database WG2. The Tinnitus Patient Database in the TINNET COST Action BM1306

Berthold Langguth describes an innovative project that is creating the world’s largest multi-national patient database containing standardised information on tinnitus and medical history, otological examination and psycho-acoustic measures of tinnitus. A challenge for tinnitus treatment and tinnitus research is the...

Plasticity with cochlear implants: individual factors in the outcomes

Andrej Kral gives us an overview of neuronal plasticity in congenital hearing loss, and discusses why it is core to our clinical interventions in hearing loss and rehabilitation. The brain is born immature and undergoes extensive shaping during early development....

Aided cortical assessment: uses in a paediatric hearing implant centre

When can an aided cortical assessment help decision making in a child’s hearing journey? In this article, the author demonstrates the application using an enlightening case study approach. A device, be it a conventional hearing aid or hearing implant, ideally,...

In conversation with Ad Snik

Professor Ad Snik has spent a large portion of his career in hearing implantation and has seen novel devices come and go, some of great benefit to patients, others which haven’t produced expected results. In this interview, he talks to...

EBM and ENT: In conversation with Martin Burton

As part of our new Evidence-Based Medicine section, we’re honoured to feature an interview with Professor Martin Burton, Director of the UK Cochrane Centre. Professor Burton is Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Oxford and Consultant Otolaryngologist at Oxford...

In conversation with Nick Jones

“I admit to having felt vulnerable and anxious about exposing my work to scrutiny, and I still do.” From nasal reconstruction to poetry composition: retired rhinologist, Nick Jones - author of new poetry collection, Encounter - tells us more about...

In conversation with Rosaleen Shine

Rosaleen Shine is synonymous with ENT and Audiology News. She was a key member of the team that founded what was then ENT News 25 years ago, and is well known to ORL and audiology colleagues all over the globe....

In conversation with John Carlisle: the silent hero shaping medical publication integrity

Have you ever been curious as to what your anaesthetist is getting up to on their laptop during long cases? Me neither, but I always generally assumed they were trading Bitcoin, solving the Riemann hypothesis and buffing their Tinder profile....

In conversation with John Carlisle: the silent hero shaping medical publication integrity

Have you ever been curious as to what your anaesthetist is getting up to on their laptop during long cases? Me neither, but I always generally assumed they were trading Bitcoin, solving the Riemann hypothesis and buffing their Tinder profile....

AOT Conference 2024

Shared Knowledge, Built Community Anita Sedghi FY1, Northwick Park Hospital, London Northwest NHS Trust The AOT Conference this year focused on a diverse range of presentations, catering to trainees at all levels. The program started with a thought-provoking talk by...