You searched for "medication"

2704 results found

New diagnostic criteria for Ménière’s disease – an international consensus

Most readers are familiar with the American Academy diagnostic criteria for Ménière’s disease (MD) but a significant minority will be aware of other criteria from Japan and Korea. This new effort is a collaboration between these three bodies and the...

ManCAD Research CAPers Conference

ManCAD's upcoming inaugural research conference has been playfully named ‘Research CAPers’ – as in Research Clinical Auditory Papers. This year’s conference highlighted the scientific accomplishments of Professor Dave Moore – who is retiring later this year from his various academic roles.

Aetiology, investigation and acute management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss

The cause of a single sided sensorineural hearing loss has a wide variety of aetiologies. This review, by Edwin Halliday, looks specifically at the differential diagnostic causes of a sudden sensorineural hearing loss, the relevant investigations and the management should...

Acute otitis externa: what are the important outcomes?

Matthew Smith discusses a project looking at outcomes of acute otitis externa interventions, and how, going forward, the INTEGRATE team are working with patients to develop outcome measures. Acute otitis externa (AOE) is one of the most common conditions of...

Sounding It Out: The UKs hottest Audiology Podcast – boost your CPD ‘on the go’!

If you could boost your CPD points while cooking, driving or even exercising…that would be a dream, right? Well now you can!

Military acoustic trauma: incidence and management

This is a retrospective study on the effects of acute acoustic trauma on the hearing thresholds of 225 military personnel. The main symptom after acute acoustic trauma due to firearm use was tinnitus. The authors consider it as the main...

Patient-reported outcome measures in septorhinoplasty

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are used increasingly in surgical research to quantify the efficacy of surgical interventions. This can help to fill an ‘evidence gap’ where healthcare rationing threatens particular treatments. Procedures aimed at improving quality of life, especially with...

Mentally and physically safe workplaces: the challenge of doctors’ well-being

Our ENT consultant colleague Eric Levi bravely tackles the very real elephant in the room of that stigma which is not really discussed until it is often too late. It takes courage to tackle a difficult topic like doctors’ mental...

Cochlear implantation in children with congenital single-sided deafness

To date, there has been very limited data supporting the effectiveness of early provision of a cochlear implant to the deaf ear in infants with congenital single-sided deafness. In this article, the authors share their pioneering work with this special...

Does the season affect the diagnosis of vestibular disorders?

There are mixed results in the literature regarding seasonal variation in the presentation of various peripheral vestibular disorders. In this large population study involving over 20,000 patients recruited from 116 ENT practices across Germany, the authors analysed the demographic characteristics...

Surgeons and swearing

We will all know colleagues who have raised the act of swearing to an art form; just as Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It could cut a workmate in half with a well-placed swear word, surgeons can be equally...

Remote care apps: comparing the options

With much of the world in full or partial lockdown and social-distancing measures in full swing, the COVID-19 crisis has sparked renewed interest in remote teleaudiology services. Modern teleaudiology platforms, now offered by all major hearing aid brands, offer audiologists...