The ENT-UK tonsillectomy audit in 2005 created understandable caution in the promotion of Coblation techniques. This prospective study on 100 consecutive paediatric patients looked at outcomes following ‘cold’ radiofrequency ablation (Coblation) intracapsular tonsillectomy. This series shows the technique to be...
The surgical treatment of Reinke’s oedema traditionally involves a cold steel incision placed in the lateral aspect of the vocal fold with aspiration of the characteristic gelatinous contents. In this paper, the authors compare voice outcomes in patients treated with...
The authors describe a small case series (n=8) of patients with obstructive symptoms from sialolithiasis of the parotid gland. A combined endoscopic and transcutaneous approach was used. The position of the stone in Stensen’s duct was identified by endoscopic transillumination....
Although this is the book review section, the first thing to note is that the book isn’t the main event here. This publication is a video and photograph dissection guide, produced from the world-renowned Dallas Rhinoplasty and Cosmetic Surgery Course....
Necrotising otitis externa (NOE) often does not yield identification of a causative organism to treat although in 90% of cases it is a member of the pseudomonas species. The incidence of fungal NOE is not to be forgotten and this...
The patient with post-viral anosmia will always want to know how long they must wait to reach a plateau. This study from South Korea of a comparatively small group (20 controls and 63 patients) tells us that favourable prognostic indicators...
Head and neck reconstruction continues to provide a challenge to surgeons, driving innovative approaches in free-flap surgery and a need to embrace developing technologies. This excellent text, written primarily by authors from the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas,...
This is the second edition of Thieme’s popular head, neck and neuroanatomy atlas. There are 22 chapters on 530+ pages, with over 1300 full colour illustrations covering the full breadth of head, neck and neuroanatomy. It retails at £62.50 for...
Whilst there are few who are actively involved in the historical aspects of otology, there always seems to be great interest whenever I introduce the quirks of history into any of my talks. This book, I suspect, will very much...
Several years ago, after being appointed as a consultant, my esteemed senior colleague entered my office and questioned why I was reading a textbook at that stage of my career, suggesting that I should be focusing solely on journals. Whilst...
The second edition of Cochlear Implant Patient Assessment aims to become a point of reference for all professionals involved in assessing cochlear implant candidacy and interested in broadening their knowledge to maximise the hearing capabilities of their patients. This book...
The second edition of Thieme’s Basic Otorhinolaryngology, as the name suggests, is indeed a step-by-step learning guide for medical students and physicians seeking basic information related to the subject. It comes in an easy-to-learn and user-friendly format, introducing the reader...