You searched for "EMG"

1959 results found

Cognitive effort and listening in everyday life

Dining with family members, amongst the clinking of dishes and glasses, the sounds of conversations and laughter, the husband, a user of hearing aids, misses his wife’s request to bring another bottle of wine. After a third try, the wife,...

How good ideas become great products: in conversation with three medical innovators

Ever had a great idea for an innovation that would significantly improve your practice, but wondered how to go about developing it? Lucy Dalton interviewed three consultant ENT surgeons-come-successful innovators (one international, one novice and one experienced) who explain what...

2014: Are today’s implantable devices better than conventional solutions for patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss?

Patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss become candidates for amplification when reconstructive surgery is not viable. Three common amplification options are conventional acoustic devices, such as behind-the-ear devices (BTEs), (implantable) bone-conduction devices and active middle ear implants. The goal...

NHS collaboration and partnership with the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries

Historically the relationship between industry and the NHS has been a cautious one. Both sides have typically worked with only partially disclosed agendas, under a pervading fear of finding themselves on the wrong end of a win-lose negotiation. Things have...

Robotic head and neck surgery: current state of the art and future innovations

Technology and innovation has provided modern head and neck surgeons with successive generations of robotic surgical systems, fibre-optic lasers, and novel tools which have ushered in a new era of minimally invasive surgery for tumours of the pharynx and larynx....

Surgeons and swearing

We will all know colleagues who have raised the act of swearing to an art form; just as Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It could cut a workmate in half with a well-placed swear word, surgeons can be equally...

The future of treatments for hearing and balance: a 15 and 50-year perspective

Jameel Muzaffar and Manohar Bance paint a picture of what otology will look like 15 and 50 years’ time. Will we still need doctors? Will there still be an ENT news journal? The last 50 years have seen advances including...

The future of head and neck cancer surgery

Neil Sharma paints an exciting picture of the future of head and neck surgery with nanobots and robot augmented humans – science fiction or reality? Time will tell. ‘May you live in interesting times’ reads the old Chinese curse. The...

Less Than Full time Training in Otolaryngology

A recent Statement from the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASIT) stated that in 2011 there were 17 otolaryngology trainees in Less Than Full Time training (LTFT) [1]. Otolaryngologists in LTFT posts (17/151) is the largest group after general surgery...

Charles Skinner Hallpike and the Hallpike Prize

The British Association of Audiovestibular Physicians introduced the Hallpike Prize in 2009 as an award to stimulate the pursuit of knowledge in relation to the field of audiovestibular medicine. Julian Ahmed celebrates the history of the great man the award...

Measuring the pitch and loudness of tinnitus

Matching the characteristics of tinnitus Many researchers and clinicians have explored the subjective nature of tinnitus by asking people with tinnitus to adjust a sound so that it matches their tinnitus in some way. This can be useful both for...

Questionnaires to measure tinnitus severity

The handicap associated with tinnitus can arise from any combination of stress, anxiety, depression, emotional distress, insomnia, difficulties concentrating, or impairments in quality of life or everyday functioning. Measuring such handicap and determining clinical need is therefore far from trivial....