You searched for "Cognition"

2041 results found

OBITUARY: David Moffat (1948-2020)

David Moffat, one of the leading Otologists of his generation, died on 18 March in Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, the hospital to which he had devoted his professional life. Having survived cancer of the prostate, he succumbed to a second...

Facing changes after surgery through portraiture

‘Facing Out: Life After Treatment for Facial Cancer’ was a two-year arts-for-health project funded by Arts Council England and The National Lottery which culminated in an exhibition at The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, in February 2019. Here, artist and project...

Understanding new and emerging categories of hearing devices

The hearing device landscape is rapidly changing, and what should be given, to whom, and why, are questions that many hearing healthcare professionals are asking. Brent Edwards discusses these questions and how consumer characteristics may influence their choice. In 2016,...

Virtual chromoendoscopy (VCE)

‘That’s a funny looking lesion on the larynx, it’s probably benign, but I should take a biopsy.’ Liz Ross and Ajith George discuss whether virtual chromoendoscopy will change this thought process. What are the origins and ENT applications? Traditional chromoendoscopy...

OBITUARY: Prof Shanmugam Kameswaran (1923-2021)

Professor Shanmugam Kameswaran was born in 1923 and did his MBBS and MS at Madras Medical College, India, under PV Cherian who later became the Governor of Maharashtra, India. He worked as his assistant and left for the UK in...

15th International ENT Masterclass®

Report by: Dr Natasha Quraishi, Foundation Year Two Doctor, North West Thames Foundation School, London, UK. As sure as day follows night, the last weekend in January can only mean one thing: the latest Annual International ENT Masterclass. This year...

The CEORL-HNS and its role in international collaboration

‘Together we are strong’ just about sums up the nature of the CEORL-HNS, with international and interdisciplinary collaboration at the forefront of its mission. We hear more from two of the leading lights of the organisation. The Confederation of European...

COVID-19 and ENT training: experiences from around the world

Here, ENT trainees share their experiences of adaptations to both clinical practice and training during the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcome other colleagues from around the world to share their experiences with us via social media or the website. Australia Olivia...

Family-centred early intervention: supporting a call to action

Family-centred care for young children is a commonly used but frequently under-appreciated approach in audiology. Prof Moodie discusses how we can take positive action to improve our approach to families in ways that make a meaningful difference in their lives....

Physiological mechanisms of hyperacusis: an update

Hyperacusis is a heterogeneous and complex clinical entity, and proposals about physiological mechanisms should reflect these issues. Ben Auerbach helps us navigate through present knowledge in this area, and proposes future directions for research. Hyperacusis is a debilitating hearing disorder...

Leadership: in conversation with Dr Joyce Aswani

In certain cultures, it is even more difficult for women to establish roles in leadership due to the pressures put upon them by society to take care of the home and family, often in lieu of furthering their education and...

Leadership: In conversation with Dr Joyce Aswani

In certain cultures, it is even more difficult for women to establish roles in leadership due to the pressures put upon them by society to take care of the home and family, often in lieu of furthering their education and...