You searched for "surgeons"

2066 results found

Gender inequality across medical specialties in the United States

The authors of this study collected and evaluated 4222 surveys of patient satisfaction ratings of male and female residents across subspecialties in the United States. Half of the evaluated residents were females, with first and second year residents being evaluated...

ENT in Ethiopia: Aksum-Barts Partnership

In keeping with many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia has a chronic lack of hospitals and doctors. Nadia Ashraf and Tim Crocker-Buqué tell us about a project which aims to improve training in ENT, in a hospital that has...

Fibula free flap virtual or freehand planning and the efficiency of surgery

This is a systematic review from surgeons in Italy and Florida where, from an initial 799 potentially relevant articles, only six could be included. Efficiency was assessed by the mean ischemia time which, for the virtual group, was 73.8 minutes,...

Life Down Under: an overview of the Sydney Endoscopic Ear Fellowship

As we emerge from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the first half of 2020, trainee colleagues will be looking to their future once again. Options may include fellowships, and we are delighted to have Dr Andrew Ma share...

From the editor MayJun 2020

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: We are living in extraordinary times. As I write this message, the COVID-19 pandemic is just...

From the editor NovDec 2021

It is such a pleasure to see ever-increasing numbers of meetings going ahead in the coming months – after so much time away from physical gatherings, there seems to be a real hunger for in-person conferences where we can meet up with friends and colleagues.

Management of smell and taste disorders – A practical guide for clinicians

This textbook with 240 pages is well laid out, very well illustrated including colour photographs and has excellent summary boxes at the end of individual sections. Up to one fifth of adults have some form of olfactory dysfunction and as...

Better Hearing with Cochlear Implants

This soft cover book of 453 pages describes in detail the work undertaken at the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) in North Carolina which has led to many of the designs and theories of speech processing in cochlear implantation. It is...

Pediatric Dysphagia: Etiologies, Diagnosis, and Management

This book is an up-to-date and comprehensive textbook that gives an in-depth understanding and management of all aspects relating to dysphagia. Members of the interdisciplinary team at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, who have an extensive experience in the management...

Tramadol soaked nasal packs for post-septoplasty analgesia

Having had a septoplasty a number of years ago for the potential treatment of snoring, I was intrigued by this paper which compared the analgesic effect of tramadol-soaked and lignocaine-soaked nasal packs following septoplasty. In my practice, I have always...

Awareness of alternative techniques in cochlear implantation

The use of alternative techniques for cochlear implantation is indicated in unusual cases where the standard procedure would not be suitable. The authors of this study highlight the various reasons as to why an alternative technique might be sought, and...

Occupational hazards affecting otolaryngologists

This is a questionnaire survey which received responses from 323 clinicians practising otolaryngology. The grades ranged from consultants to junior doctors. It was noted that nearly half of these respondents suffered from some form of musculoskeletal pain and it highlights...