You searched for "scar"

277 results found

Welcome to BACO Liverpool: a city with deep roots in ENT

Liverpool is a city steeped in ENT history, so it is fitting that BACO is being held there once more. Ray Clarke, former editor of ENT and Audiology News, casts his eye over the historical legacy of that fine city....

Human factors, theatre ethnographics and Girls Aloud

The issue of ambient music in the operating theatre is frequently controversial and has been known to cause ‘Bluetooth wars’, as different team members vie for control of the speakers. Our own Chris Potter gives his personal slant on this...

Temporal bone trauma

Introduction Temporal bone injuries represent one of the more complex management problems presenting to the otolaryngologist. This is largely due to difficulties in assessment and the frequent delays in referral, often as a result of other injuries demanding more immediate...

From trauma to recovery: treatment at Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre

This year (2014) is the centenary year of the beginning of the Great War. This conflict brought with it a cluster of emotional disorders that were called at the time, Shell-Shock. The present conflict in Afghanistan has been talked of...

Body self-image – the ENT perspective

Body dysmorphic disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that we all need to be aware of when contemplating aesthetic surgery. It can present in children as well as adults. Prof Vieira and Dr de Carvalho discuss the tell-tale signs and...

In conversation with Prof Nobuhiko Isshiki

A 90th birthday is definitely a landmark that should be observed and celebrated. Elisabeth Sjögren interviews this man who has been such a huge influence in the world of laryngology. Nobuhiko and Keiko in the cosmos field. Congratulations on your...

Can surgery make you a better driver?

Obstructive sleep apnoea is a condition that can have far reaching health, economic and safety implications for the individual inflicted with the condition, as well as those in their immediate and wider surroundings. Having the freedom to drive taken away...

OBITUARY: James Milner Robinson (1937 - 2021)

James Milner Robinson FRCS, formerly a consultant otologist to Gloucester and Cheltenham hospitals, died peacefully on 3 November 2021 at the age of 84 after several years of ill-health. In keeping with his lifelong love of nature and care for...

Bringing space science to balance and tinnitus

Jameel Muzaffar is a specialist registrar in ENT surgery in the West Midlands. His research interests include applications of imaging to ENT. Chris Coulson is a consultant otologist, particularly interested in the development of technological solutions. He is part of...

In Memory: An Interview with Professor Leslie Michaels

The Memorial Service for Professor Leslie Michaels takes place next week (mid-April 2019). Professor Michaels was the former Professor of Pathology at the Institute of Laryngology and Otology at UCL and The RNTN&E Hospital. His inspirational achievements are worthy of...

Virtual chromoendoscopy (VCE)

‘That’s a funny looking lesion on the larynx, it’s probably benign, but I should take a biopsy.’ Liz Ross and Ajith George discuss whether virtual chromoendoscopy will change this thought process. What are the origins and ENT applications? Traditional chromoendoscopy...

SCOTLAND preoperative tympanomastoid CT temporal bone mnemonic system

Learning how to interpret a CT scan of the temporal bones can be a daunting task, especially for a head and neck surgeon like me! However, to make life easier, the authors have devised a useful system to help cover...